How can I configure profile fields? What about importing user data from other systems like SAP? We'll help you step by step on working with the Linchpin User Profiles for Confluence.
It is the part of Confluence that holds your wiki together. Take a look at all functions at the overview.
In which cases is the Linchpin User Profiles for Confluence the right fit? See for yourself what possibilities you will have.
Check out the pricing for Linchpin User Profiles.
Do you have further questions regarding the use or configuration of Linchpin User Profiles? Take a look at our FAQ, maybe you will find what you were looking for.
What has changed since the last release? Here, you will find all of the important changes and explanations concerning new releases.

Asja Hermanns, Manager for Intranet & Knowledge Management at B.Braun on her experience with Linchpin User Profiles
Linchpin User Profiles at the Atlassian Marketplace
Test Linchpin User Profiles for Confluence for free
Linchpin User Profiles for Confluence News
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