- Created by Administrator, last modified on Dec 15, 2020
Documentation's navigation
Every event can be personalized. You decide where the event takes place, who can edit or view it, if the participants are visible to others etc.
Create an event
Navigate to the Event Hub.
You can access the event hub directly from your Linchpin home page.
Click on the "compass button" inside the Linchpin Header. You will find it next to your profile picture. A menu will open. In this menu, click on the Event Hub button.
Click the Create event button in the upper right corner.
Event details
While creating an event, you are always accompanied by a creation wizard. The wizard shows you which details are required to create an event (marked with a red asterisk *
) and which details are optional.
The wizard applies all changes to the event in real-time. The preview always refreshes to show you how your input affects the event. This allows you to work more efficiently.
Required details
Required details must be entered. You can't create an event without these information.
Event name
Enter the name of your event.
Start date
Enter the start date of the event. Click on the YYYY-MM-DD field to open a calendar and choose a date.
For time, use the HH:MM format.
End date
Enter the end date of the event. Click on the YYYY-MM-DD field to open a calendar and choose a date.
For time, use the HH:MM format.
Optional details
Optional details help users to better understand the event. You can enter useful information here, for example a description of the event.
We highly recommend to add a cover image to your event.
With an image, your event is more appealing to users.
You can either upload an image from your computer or search for images in an online image database.
Enter the location of the event. Be it a street address or a room inside your building.
Enter a description text. We recommend to describe the nature of the event. What is the event about? How can the participants benefit from this event?
Add additional editors for your event, if you wish. Editors can see all functions of an event (even those hidden for normal users). Editors can also edit and delete the event. Editors can see the event even if they are not part of the space the event was restricted to.
Start to type in the name of the editor. A user list will open. From this list, select the user you meant.
Notice regarding editors and event visibility
Editors override the visibility permissions. An editor can always see the event, even if it's located in a space to which the editor has no access or no view permissions.
By default, all users will see your event.
If you want to restrict access to your event, you can limit the read/view permissions to one or multiple space(s). Only users from these spaces and event editors will be able to see the event.
You can only choose spaces which you have access to.
If Space Privacy is installed, it is mandatory to limit the visibility of an event to at least one space.
Start to type in the name of the space. A list will open. Select the space you want to restrict the event to.
Individual permissions override space permissions!
If a user is entered as an editor or a participant, they will see the event, even if it's restricted to a space the user has no access to.
Once the user is removed from those roles, the event disappears for them again.
An example:
We have: Space A, Space B, User A.
Your event is restricted to Space B.
User A has view permissions only for Space A, but not for Space B. This means that User A can't see the event.
Now you enter User A as a participant or an editor for the event. Suddenly, User A can see the event, even though they can't view the space the event is restricted to.
We recommend to fill out every field. This makes it easier for users to truly understand the event.
Event options
Event options allow you to manage administrative details about your event and will help you create a functioning event.
Event categories
Event categories allow users to filter the events. Furthermore, the categories inform users about the event's nature.
Check out how to configure event categories.
Click anywhere in this field to open a list with all available event categories. Select the right categories for your event.
Event page
Link to an event page. The link will redirect users to another Confluence page with more detailed information about the event (provided such a page exists).
Event pages are great for big and/or external events. Describe the full location, how to get there, prices and other conditions.
Start to type in the name of the Confluence page. A list will open. Select the correct page.
Max. number of participants
Define how many participants can sign up for your event.
If you don't want to restrict the number of participants, leave this field empty or enter a zero.
Hide creator
Activate the Hide creator checkbox if you don't want users to see who created an event.
Hide participants
If you activate the Hide number of participants checkbox, users won't be able to see the number of participants or the participants limit.
If you activate the Hide participant list checkbox, users won't be able to view the participants list. They will only see themselves as participants.
Signup options
If you activate the Allow sign up checkbox, users will be able to sign up for your event.
Furthermore, you can decide if users can only sign up themselves or if they can sign others up as well for the event.
Event editors and Confluence administrators always see all functions.
Even the functions hidden for normal users. Editors and administrators will see a warning symbol ⚠️ to inform them that some features are hidden for other users.
Alternative way - Event creation via custom button
You can create a custom button to allow users to create events from everywhere, not only the event hub.
The "button" is really a link. And the link you need to use, looks like this:
Do not add your Confluence address to the link. Copy it just like you see it here.
Once the link is created, you can insert it anywhere. When a user clicks this link, the event creation wizard will open.
Use cases
You can insert this link into some macros to create proper buttons. Below, you will find some examples.
Create events with help of the "Linchpin Teaser" macro
Insert the "Linchpin Teaser" macro into your page.
Then, choose a teaser type. For small buttons, the Standard teaser is ideal.
In the URL
section, enter the link from above.
Click on the Insert button and publish the changes to your page.
Create events with help of the "Layout Box" macro
Insert the "Layout Box" macro into your page.
Inside the Layout Box, write "Create event".
Mark the text and transform it into a link. Enter the URL from above into the address field.
Set the width of the Layout Box and add an inner spacing. This will help the Layout Box to look like a real button.
Optional: Change the color of the link and the background color of the Layout Box.
Publish the changes to your page.
The Event macro
With the Event macro, you can easily embed an event on any page. This also allows you to create a brand new event and embed it onto your page in one single process. It is a very efficient way of creating events and event pages at once!
While in page creation, add the Event macro to your page.
The Event macro will display all existing events. You can apply filters here to quickly find the event you wish to embed.
The creation wizard refreshes in real time. Type in your information and the wizard will display the filtered events.
Event title
Input the title of the event you wish to embed.
Search for events within a specific time window.
Enter one or more event categories to display according events.
Create new events within the macro
Are you working on an event page, but the event doesn't exist yet? No need to save the draft, open several new tabs and waste a lot of time. There is a more efficient solution available.
Within the Event macro, click on the link "create a new event".
The creation wizard will open in a new pop-up window.
Follow the wizard's instructions to create an event.
Your newly created event will appear in the Event macro. Select your event by clicking on it.
Click on "Insert".
Congratulations, you just created a new event and embedded it into your page!
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This content was last updated on 12/15/2020.
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