
Version 3.4 of Linchpin Events introduces basic support for remote and hybrid events by allowing additional video conference information to be stored for each event. In case you also use our Microblogging for Confluence app your users can now share events to any Microblog topic, making it even easier to promote events as well as to sign up.

New features

  • Remote & hybrid events: Remote and hybrid events now use an indicator to show what type of event it is. Additionally, there's a new event field that can be used to provide a videoconference URL to all event participants.
  • Share events to Microblog: Users can now share events directly to the microblog by creating a new post from the event portal or an event macro. The microblog post displays all important event information and offers a way to register quickly and easily with one click.
    Please note: This feature requires the Confluence app 'Microblogging for Confluence' version 6.0.0 or later.


  • Email notifications: Email notifications when signing up for or signing out from an event as well as changing or canceling an event now contain additional information about the respective event.


  • This release fixes an issue with the event cards flickering when accessing the event hub.
  • This release fixes a rare issue that prevented users from adding an event macro to a Confluence page.



  • This release fixes a crash issue for users of Internet Explorer 11 and legacy version of Microsoft Edge browser. In order to prevent future issues, events shared to the Microblog are only being displayed in a reduced variant for users running IE 11 and and legacy version of Microsoft Edge browser.
  • This release fixes an issue with Microsoft SQL databases resulting in no events being displayed after upgrading from a previous 3.x version of Linchpin Events.


Version 3.3 introduces extended compliance with GDPR, adds new ways to share individual events or event categories, fixes some bugs, and improves overall performance.

New features

  • Deleted users are now correctly anonymized throughout the product making sure it is compliant to GDPR.
  • Event categories now provide a direct link to a pre-filtered view of the event hub.
  • Events now provide a direct link in the context menu that allows sharing via any channel.


  • Macro placeholder now look prettier if there is no data available to display.
  • German localization now uses "Du" instead of "Sie" for a more personalized user experience.


  • Fixed an issue with the event blueprint that prevented the creation of new pages with an embedded event.
  • Fixed an issue with ICS files that prevented the event creator from adding an event to the calendar.
  • Fixed an issue where icons were not displayed in hints for Confluence instances with context path.



  • Fixed an issue with share links for events and event categories if there's a context path configured for the system.



  • With this version we introduce Linchpin App Usage in order to further improve Linchpin Events based on how you're using the product. For more information please see http://seibert.biz/linchpinappusage.


  • Fixes a database issue in large instances with thousands of events.
  • Fixes an issue with the preview during event creation displaying a wrong event date.



  • Fixes a security issue with email notifications.


Version 3.2 introduces reworked support for events across different time zones as well as some minor usability improvements.


  • Full-day events now behave correctly across different time zones.
  • Users can now duplicate any event for which they have view permissions.
  • Improved responsiveness of 'Create event' dialogue.
  • When configuring an event macro you can now select your event from a list that shows more than 15 results for your filter criteria.


  • Fixed an issue with the event list macro showing events that did not match the filter criteria.
  • If you already updated to Version 3.2.0 this release fixes an issue with the upgrade task for existing events.



  • Fixed an issue with the context path for page URLs in event ICS exports.



  • Fixed a database query issue for instances with more than 1.000 events.



  • Fixed an issue with the Event macro no longer displaying a hint if the linked event has been deleted.


This release adds support for read-only mode for Confluence Data Center instances.


Version 3.0 introduces extended permission settings regarding visibility and editing of events.

New features

  • Permissions for event displaying and editing can now be assigned per event.
  • Integration of Unsplash image database.


  • Event editors always have access to all event functions - even with restrictions in place.
  • The "Sign me up" button is hidden for events which don't allow registration.
  • We improved the protection against XSS attacks.


  • Fixed an issue with the event hub displaying too many events when anonymous access is enabled in Confluence.
  • Fixed an issue that caused events to be created multiple times when the connection to the system was interrupted during the create process.



  • Fixed an issue with file uploads to Confluence pages failing on rare occasions.
  • Fixed an issue with Oracle databases that prevented displaying any events in the system.



  • Fixed an issue that caused the system to no longer display events when using a PostgreSQL database.



  • Improved compatibility with Space Privacy to restrict the visibility of events for extranet users.



  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Event List macro from displaying a preview in the macro browser.
  • Fixed an issue related to filtering by unassigned event categories.
  • Fixed an issue with displaying the single event view where any user interaction caused an error.
  • Fixed a rare issue with events migrated from a very old version of this app.


Mobile support for event list and calendar.

New features

  • Event list and event calendar macros are now mobile-ready and thus can be displayed in Linchpin Mobile.


  • Macro edit component for 'event' macro was rewritten from scratch on a new technical base and will be further improved with future releases.



  • Fixed an issue with the event date picker's z-index resulting in the component being overlayed by other UI components.



  • Fixed an issue that prevented some events from being edited when there was no location set.



  • When accessing the system anonymously, any user interface element directing to a 'create event' action is no longer displayed.


  • Fixed an issue with the event calendar displaying events that the user does not have view permission for.
  • Fixed an issue with the event's space connection dropdown in create or edit mode displaying Confluence spaces that the user does not have edit permission for.
  • Fixed an issue with some databases managed by Microsoft SQL server.



  • Fixed an issue with event category selection in event list macro.



  • Fixed an issue that prevented a duplicated event from applying the original event's categories automatically.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in an event losing all category information when entering edit mode.
  • Fixed an issue with the sign up button being displayed for an event the user was already signed up for.
  • Fixed an issue with event sign up not being reflected correctly when using Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.
  • Fixed an issue with the event macro not being displayed due to a zone.js library incompatibility.



  • Fixed an issue that resulted in an infinite loading spinner when trying to insert an event macro into a Confluence page.
  • Fixed an issue with the event macro configuration not loading properly when opening up the dialogue for the first time.



  • Added compatibility with Confluence 7.
  • Improved hyphenation for event title and description.
  • Event images are now stored more efficiently on the server reducing the file size of each image significantly.


  • Fixed an issue with event image upload when replacing or deleting the previous event image.
  • Fixed an issue with the event list macro not displaying events that are currently taking place.
  • Fixed an issue with email notifications on event changes being sent way too often.



  • Fixed an issue that prevented Confluence pages that include a space-filtered event list macro from being displayed in Linchpin Mobile.



  • Fixed an issue with displaying events when accessing Confluence as an anonymous user.



  • Fixed multiple issues with displaying Linchpin Events content in Linchpin Touch context.



  • Fixed an issue with tabs in an event's detail view when running Confluence 7.
  • Fixed an issue with events being deleted when permanently deleting Confluence pages that the event was linked to.



  • Fixed an issue with the event macro not being displayed due to a zone.js library incompatibility.


Duplicate events and improved event list macro responsiveness

Ever wanted to create a new event based on one that's already there? Tired of manually entering all the event information over and over again? Good news: Duplicating events is finally here!

New in this version:

  • You can now create event duplicates within seconds. The duplicate adopts all information of the original event except the participant list.
  • The date picker when creating or editing events now supports multiple languages.

Bugfixes and improvements:

  • The event list macro is now fully responsible (especially useful when used in a Confluence page's side-bar).


New features

  • It is now possible for anonymous users to view events in the event hub and when embedded in Confluence pages (event macro, event list macro, event calendar macro).

Bugfixes and improvements

  • Fixed an issue with displaying localized date picker.



  • Fixed an issue with the date pickers' timezone support.



  • Fixed an issue with the event search on instances with more than 500 spaces.



  • When editing an event, you can choose a date correctly even if it is before the last daylight saving.
  • As a confluence administrator you can now always edit the participants of an event, even if the setting that users can sign in/sign off only themselves is active.
  • We improved Linchpin Events compatibility with Internet Explorer 9+.



  • Fixed an issue that prevented 'Recent activities' from displaying correctly on the Confluence dashboard when there has been an 'Event list' macro integrated in the instance's welcome message.
  • Fixed an issue with triggering the 'Create new event' dialogue when editing an event macro within a Confluence page.



  • The filter for an event list macro now uses 'OR' connector instead of 'AND' (as used in Linchpin Events version 2.1.2 below).



  • Improved event hub performance for large instances containing hundreds of events.


  • Fixed an issue with ics export for full-day events.



  • Improved event performance for large events with hundreds of registered participants.


  • Fixed an issue with displaying an event's date and time localization.



  • Fixed an issue with uploading / updating event images when using Microsoft Internet Explorer / Microsoft Edge browser.



  • Fixed an issue with event participants not receiving an updated ics file when the location of an event has changed.
  • Fixed an issue with updated event ics files not updating events in Microsoft Outlook.
  • Fixed an issue with event participants not receiving a notification when an event was cancelled in Confluence.



  • Fixed an issue that resulted in an exception when editing events created with any version of Linchpin Events prior to 2.1.12.
  • Fixed an issue with displaying the wrong number of participants for some events in the event hub.


Major release. Easy Events RSVP becomes Linchpin Events!

New features & improvements

  • Central event hub to create, explore, and manage all events.
  • Live preview of how the event macro will appear when you create and edit events.
  • Events are now independent of Confluence pages. It gives you more options to create, embed and link events.
  • You no longer embed an event into a Confluence page. You only embed a reference. This means: You can integrate the same event into multiple pages without any trouble.
  • The new event popup shows all event-related information. Wherever you are in Confluence, you don't have to leave your current workspace.


  • When you copy a Confluence page, you now only copy an event reference, not the whole event. This prevents any errors that may occur while copying and when you work with event duplicates.



  • Fixed an issue with URL context paths.
  • Fixed an issue with displaying events in the list and calendar macro when referencing spaces with a numeric name.



  • Fixed an issue with Confluence's automatic browser language detection.


Easy Events now supports the 12-hour-format.


    • Events now support the 12-hour-format in event view and event configuration.
    • We improved some texts in interface and e-mail templates.


Design improvements and bugfixes.


    • Optical improvements for all event macros.


    • Fixed some issues with time zones .
    • We fixed all-day events.


See all events in your time zone!

New features

    • Events are displayed in your current time zone. Now you can easily track events in other locations.
    • The layout of the event list macro has received an update.

Bugfixes & improvements

    • The event list macro is much faster now.
    • The event title was changed to a mandatory field.
    • Your language settings are considered in the calendar view.


Export participant lists for further processing in Excel!

New features

    • You can now download participant lists of your events as CSV file that can be processed e.g. in Excel or other tools.


    • Easy Events sends event mails now correctly regardless of the profile image type.


Finally: plan events that last more than one day!

New features

    • Now you can create events that last more than one day. Furthermore the user interface matches the new style of Confluence 6.7.


    • Events are now sorted correctly in calendar view.


Experience enhanced options for event sign-ups!

New features

    • Events have the option to close user registrations now. You can disable sign-ups while in event creation or when you edit events.


    • Fixed a bug which caused randomly sorted event lists if a category and "displayed events" limit was set.


Easy Events looks more handsome than ever!

New features

    • You can now choose between a compact and a detailed participant list.
    • Now, the Easy Events calendar is displayed in a detailed and more informative view.
    • The calendar is responsive now. It switches to amore compact layout in small areas.


    • We improved the event macro and the event blueprint wizard layout.
    • We added more helpful tooltips.


    • We prevented some side effects with other Confluence add-ons (for example Scroll Viewport) that broke Easy Events RSVP macros under some circumstances.


    • Fixed a bug when creating multiple events on a single Confluence page.
    • ICS file is now correctly attached to emails in MS Office Webmail and Outlook 2013.
    • Fixed a bug related to email notifications about event changes.
    • Fixed a layout error in the calendar's responsive design.
    • Corrected the order of the event list in conjunction with event categories.


    • Easy Events is now Data-Center-ready.


    • Improved the display of avatar images within an event.
    • Fixed a bug in the registration process of events without date.
    • Deleted users can be removed from an events participation list now.
    • Fixed anonymous access to calendar view and calendar macro.
    • Improved labeling of event categories.


Overall improved usability of Easy Events RSVP.

New features

    • Configure global categories to structure your events. Use categories as filters in the event calendar and the event list macro.
    • Customize your events. Change the global event blueprint to fit your needs.
    • Configure your event more comfortably. Use the new and awesome time picker UI.


    • Several minor bugs were fixed.


Event List macro was improved, Event Calendar macro was introduced.

New features

    • Display all of your events in a nice calendar macro.
    • Enjoy a new look of the event list macro.
    • Show events from several spaces in one event list.

(lightbulb) Update safely: If you are running versions 1.3.3 or earlier, we recommend to install version 1.3.4 first, then update to 1.5.


We added notifications and improved the usability.

New features

    • Several events can be displayed on a single page now.
    • We added an option to hide the user list. Participants will still see themselves, and editors will still see all participants.
    • We added an option to send out invitations to other users instead of directly adding them to an event.
    • The plugin now sends out emails with .ics files to easily add events to your favorite calendar tool.
    • We reworked the GUI for sign-up and sign-out. It's more fun to use now.


    • Deleted eEvents no longer show up in the event list.
    • Several issues with .ics files have been fixed.
    • Users who are not logged in won't see Buttons for signing in or off anymore.

(lightbulb) Update safely: If you are running versions 1.3.3 or earlier, we recommend to install version 1.3.4 first, then update to 1.4.


Introduction of the Event List macro.

New features

    • Place a list of upcoming events anywhere on a page using the new Event List macro.


Updates and fixes

    • Added validation of date and time to prevent invalid data.
    • Now, the event list updates even thought there might be events with invalid data inside it.
    • Newly created events no longer cause double entries in the event list.
    • Added handling of invalid event data on .ics export.


Event export is now a thing.

New features

  • Be notified by email if someone adds you to or removes you from an event.
  • Automatically watch a page if you join an event.
  • Export the event to your calendar.
  • Set a maximum number of participants.


  • Extended the blueprint layout with useful event data.
  • Improved the event layout page.

This content was last updated on 12/15/2020.

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