Agile Hive is a software that will enhance Atlassian Jira, accompanied by Confluenceto become a fully-fledged SAFe solution. It is dependent on the Jira base software. At this point, Agile Hive works with Atlassian Jira for Server and Data Center. An implementation for Jira Cloud is on our roadmap but not yet available. The official Agile Hive website offers a quick trailer and introductory videos to getting started, feature descriptions, and a free call (+49-611-20570-42) to ask questions and get a demo of the software. There is comprehensive documentation, a roadmap, and a public issue tracker with wished features available. Anyone can add new elements and vote for and comment on existing ones. In a public demo area without any registration requirements, you can try out the software. You can also get a private instance generated within minutes that you can use to add and test drive your own data. If you already have a Jira instance, you can download the Atlassian Marketplace app and try it on your own servers. This marketplace entry also collects customer Testimonials and independent reviews.

Why is Agile Hive used?

Most companies have understood that agile methodologies can help them master the challenges of today's world. In Scaling Agile and Business Agility, we have shed light on how different the world has become. Complexity is limiting routine work and planning. Companies need to search for ways to equip their workforce with thinking that can thrive in an uncertain and unpredictable world.

Leaders see how much benefit they would get even from simple changes that software like Agile Hive can provide. Establishing more transparency, so that an engineer understands why he or she is working on something. Allowing a CEO to really drill down into portfolios, programs, teams, features, epics, and even the daily work of source code. Atlassian calls this full traceability. From the top of the hierarchy you can look all the way down, and vice versa if you are in the operational teams looking up. Everyone involved in value delivery, from strategy to execution and anywhere in-between, knows what is going on at any given time.

Atlassian Jira is not sufficient for SAFe alone.

Many companies try to adopt SAFe within Atlassian Jira, either with out-of-the-box features, in combination with third-party tools or by merely combining some apps from the Atlassian Marketplace.

We have built Agile Hive to give our customers a one-stop experience for their SAFe implementation and execution. Install this app and allow all of your SAFe requirements to be easily resolved. That's our commitment to the solution we provide.

We have created a comprehensive comparison table between a standalone Jira instance and one with Agile Hive.


The objective of this section is not to recreate the tables and compare all of the available features, but to provide a high-level overview. The following are the most important differences:

  1. Agile Hive uses the most appropriate terminology. When you acquire SAFe skills, it's helpful and often stressed that using the right words will reduce confusion and help in implementing a project.
  2. In Agile Hive, PI (Product Increment) cadence with sprints/iterations can be established and it is easier to observe what PI your team is currently working on, which helps provide transparency for all stakeholders.
  3. Transparency is a core value in SAFe. Full traceability from bottom to top, and vice versa connects the CEO's strategy with your developers' code and everyone in between.
  4. Visualizing dependencies between sprints and teams for deliverables is also crucial for (remote) PI plannings.
  5. SAFe is using different company levels (Team, Program, Large Solution, Portfolio, ...), which are only accurately reflected in Agile Hive.

  6. A consistent hierarchical linking cannot be accomplished with Jira alone as Jira allows free linking between all issues.

  7. Agile Hive supports the Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) metric for estimation and prioritization.

  8. Jira doesn't have roadmaps built-in natively.

  9. Agile Hive adds capacity planning in a SAFe-compatible context.

In general, you can say that Agile Hive makes it much more comfortable and straight-forward for teams, ARTs, Portfolios, and entire companies to use and adhere to SAFe principles when working with Jira.

Use cases: What do companies use Agile Hive for?

  • Implementation and execution of the Scaled Agile Framework for Lean Enterprises (SAFe) in an configuration
  • Align strategy and execution
  • Increase transparency from top-down and bottom-up
  • Remote PI Planning
  • Find and show dependencies in a visual way and keep attention on them during the sprints
  • Daily Standups in Teams
  • Synchronize work in large teams

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About the book

This is a work in progress book project. All research and preparations are public. Learn more.

About the author

Martin Seibert

Martin Seibert is the CEO of Seibert Media in Germany. He has written German books on Enterprise Wikis (2011) and Intranets (2020). This is going to be his third book.

Follow him on TwitterLinkedInFacebook.

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This page was last edited on 07/30/2024.