Linchpin Navigation Menus

Always keep the overview: A menu to provide structure and guide you quickly

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History / Backup of menus

Linchpin Navigation Menus offers a backup functionality to track saved versions and restore older versions. Every time you save the menu structure, a backup will be created. You can list all created backups by choosing "History" in the "" menu. Click on "Apply" next to any history entry to restore a specific backup to the edit form. Please note that you still need to save the restored backup.

The history has a limit to reduce database usage. When the number of backups reaches 100, a pruning mechanism is triggered that will keep at most 100 published backups as well as all unpublished drafts since the second to last published version.

Rows marked with a (tick) represent published menus, the others are unpublished menu drafts.

  • No labels

This content was last updated on 07/24/2019.

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