More variables

Date: May, 2023


  • We've increased the number of variables you can create for a template (20 instead of 10)
  • New variable "paragraph" can be created and inserted within description field (and other paragraph fields)

Apply Issue Template within different project

Date: February, 2023


  • You've created an Issue Template but you want to use it for a different project that the default? No problem. You can easily change the project before creating issues based on a template.

Dark Mode

Date: December, 2022


  • is now compatible with the Jira Dark Mode

Paragraph & Textarea Custom Field support

Date: November 25th, 2022


  • You can now use Custom Fields "Paragraph" and "Textarea" within your templates. 

Select & Multiselect Custom Field support

Date: November 11th, 2022


  • You can now use Custom Fields "Select" and "Multiselect" within your templates. 

Float & Textfield support, also for dynamic content

Date: August 29th, 2022


  • You can now use Custom Fields "Float" and "Textfield" within your templates. 
  • You can also prefill these fields based on variables

Import issues to Subtask Templates

Date: August 10th, 2022


  • You can now import existing subtasks to your Subtask Template. Based in this, it is comfortable to start using Easy Issue & Subtask Templates if you have used other templating solutions before or have worked with manually applied templates (e.g. clone issue).

Import issues to Issue Templates

Date: July 25th, 2022


  • You can now import existing issues with child issues to your Issue Template. Based in this, it is comfortable to start using Easy Issue & Subtask Templates if you have used other templating solutions before or have worked with manually applied templates (e.g. clone issue).
  • If you have a Subtask Template with more than approx. eight subtasks, those will now be created in the correct order

Cascading Field Type & Default Values Release

Date: July 6th, 2022


  • Thanks to your feedback, we are now working on support for more issue field types. We are happy to share that you are able to use custom fields based on the cascading field type. This applies for both - Subtask and Issue Templates.
  • Variables are perfect if you want to streamline your processes with Jira templates. To improve this feature, you can now define default values which are set when a user does not add a value by himself. 
  • Subtask Templates are sorted in alphabetical order
  • Add a suffix when you customize a Subtask Template

Issue Template Release

Date: April 2022


We are proud to present Issue Templates! Use Easy Issue & Subtask Templates to streamline your processes for many kinds of use cases, e.g. employee onboarding or IT Support. Create Templates for complete sets of Epics, Issues and Subtask. Define variables to simplify issue creation. 

  • No labels

This content was last updated on 05/29/2023.

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