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How to insert a Microblog Timeline macro into a page


Create or edit a page

First of all, you need a page into which you want to insert the Microblog Timeline macro. Edit an already existing page or create a new one.

Find the Microblog Timeline macro

Click on the Insert more content button, then click on the Other macros button.

Search for Microblog Timeline. Click on the Microblog Timeline icon to open the macro's configuration.

Save your Microblog Timeline macro

After you configured the Microblog Timeline macro, click on the Insert button. Now the macro should be properly inserted into your page.

Save the page

Publish or update your page. To do so, click on the Publish button (if you create a new page) or the Update button (if you edit an existing page).

You should see the Microblog on your page now.


Your admin has to configure at least one topic for the timeline to work - otherwise you will not be able to write microposts.

Please note that for app versions below 5.0 only one Microblog Timeline per Confluence page is supported.

Configure the Microblog Timeline macro

You can, of course, configure your Microblog Timeline macro. For example, you can select a topic which should be used as a default setting, so you don't have to do it by hand every time. You can decide which timeline you wish to see in your Microblog feed. Or you can decide how compact your Microblog should be.

Your configuration options are:

Default timeline

Select your default timeline. Whichever timeline you select here will always be displayed inside your Microblog feed by default.

Global timeline

The global timeline shows all microposts from all spaces and of all topics.

Space timeline

The space timeline shows all microposts from a specific space you selected. Once you select this option, another option named Space will open.

Here, under the Space tab, you can select which space should be used as the default space for your timeline. To select a space, click on the arrow next to the space name. A drop-down menu will open. You can now select a space.

A space needs at least one topic to be shown (and be usable) in this micro.
If you can't find a space here, you probably have to set a topic for this space, first.


Topic timeline

The topic timeline shows all microposts of a specific topic. Once you select this option, another option named Topic will open.

Here, under the Topic tab, you can select which topic should be used as the default timeline topic. To select a topic, click on the arrow next to the topic name. A drop down menu will open. You can now select a topic.

Additionally, this topic will be the default setting when creating new microposts.

Default topic for new microposts

To create a micropost, you always need to choose a topic for your post.

You can select a topic which will be automatically chosen during micropost creation. This field can also be left empty, so users have to select a topic for their microposts themselves.

Please note: If you use a space timeline, the drop-down menu is restricted to topics from the specified space.

Limit number of microposts displayed

You can define how many Microblog threads should be displayed at once. This limit applies only to threads / parent-posts (and not replies). Once the limit is reached, a Show older microposts button will be displayed. 

If you leave this field empty, the default value of 20 will be set automatically.

Limit number of replies displayed

Define the number of displayed replies to each Microblog thread. The Microblog will always show the newest replies. Once the limit set here is reached, a Show X more replies button will be displayed.

If you leave this field empty, the default value of 3 will be set automatically.

Show sidebar

Activate the Show sidebar checkbox if you want to see a sidebar instead of a drop-down menu when choosing spaces and topics. 

The Microblog Timeline macro is responsive. If there is not enough space available, the sidebar will disappear and the drop-down menu will be displayed again.

The macro configurator offers a preview of all changes. Not sure how your inputs change the behavior of the Microblog? Use the Refresh Preview button to see all changes before you save the Microblog Timeline macro!

Looking for an alternative in the Cloud? 

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This page was last edited on 06/05/2024.