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Good news, we've reintroduced the possibility to create new Extranet users as Extranet Manager, without the need for those managers to have Confluence admin permissions. 

How do I create users for the extranet?

Extranet Space and User Administrators can only create new users themselves if they have Confluence admin permissions. If this is not the case, Space Privacy needs a user in the background who has these Confluence admin rights. This can be a specially created dummy user or a real user. 

To do so, navigate to Confluence administration → Space Privacy → Roles & Permissions → Admin Roles. Open the drop down "Creation of new users" and add the user with Confluence admin rights. Don't forget to save your changes! (wink) 

How do I create a new external user as an Extranet Space Manager or Extranet User Manager?

As an administrator, Extranet Space Manager or Extranet User Manager, you can access the extranet administration via Space tools. Space tools are located at the bottom of the sidebar.

Navigate to Space Tools → Extranet Users → Create User.

Now add all the information about the new user. Don't forget to click on the add button! (wink) 

As an Extranet Space Manager we've created a new user "user1" with the premission role "Commenter".


As you can see, User1 has now the permission role of a Commenter. slightly smiling face 

Looking for an alternative in the Cloud? 

Besides offering apps like Linchpin Intranet Suite, that is available for Atlassian Data Center, we also have apps for Confluence Cloud in our portfolio.

Like Mantra, the intranet for Confluence Cloud, developed by our joint-venture AppAnvil (known for hits like Aura & Karma).

Test the intranet for Confluence Cloud now for free: 

Discover Mantra

This page was last edited on 06/05/2024.