
Filtering checklists

Use this page as a reference for all things related to filtering checklists.

Filter options


Use this filter if you want to only view either finished or unfinished checklists. Finished checklists also include checklists that have no more open tasks left.


Use this filter if you want to only view checklists with a signature option. You can also specify if you want to view checklists that are unsigned or signed.

Be careful when combining this filter with the status filter since the combination of "Unfinished" status and "Signed" signature will result in no checklists.

Creation date

Use this filter if you want to only view checklists created at a specific date or in a specific date range.


Use this filter if you want to only view checklists from a certain template.


Filtering by metadata is only available in the external web view. Learn how to invite external users here.

First choose a template. Then you'll be able to choose one metadata from that template to use as a filter. After you choose a metadata field you will be able to enter or select a value for the chosen metadata to add to your filters.

Filter attributes

Persistent across devices

You can use multiple filters to select the checklists you need. The filters you use here will persist on the device you are using, so no need to add the perfect filters for you every time you visit the Didit hub.


Should you ever use too many filters you'll be greeted with a prompt that says so. We'll be giving hints in the following descriptions for filter combinations that will result in impossible results.

Reset filters

Should you ever need or want to reset your filters, use the aptly named link "Reset filters" to do so. It will only be usable if you applied one or more filters.

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This page was last edited on 06/25/2024.