
Release notes 2022-12-08

What's new and improved?


Filter for metadata

You can now filter checklists by specific metadata values. For example, you can view all checklists created by your team in New York by filtering for the "Location" metadata field and the value "New York".

This feature is finishing our first MVP for metadata in checklists for our customers. Read more about metadata here: Metadata for checklists in Atlassian Jira or Confluence


Include metadata in exports and imports of checklists

That's more of a hygiene feature. In our first version we did not export your metadata configuration. Now we correctly export it and import it seamlessly again as well.


Enable and disable checklists per project

You can now configure how checklists should be displayed per default in every project:

  1. Always
    Either an empty or a default checklist (see below) is displayed in a Jira issue.
  2. On demand
    The checklist panel is collapsed. It can be expanded with a click or it is shown if a checklist is assigned.
  3. Deactivated
    No checklists will be available in Jira issues for this project. Attention: All default checklists set below will be disabled!

This is how it looks in the app: Jira > Your project > Project settings > Apps > Checklist settings


Generate templates from checklists

You can now use an ad-hoc checklist that you create in Jira or Confluence and create a checklist template from it. 


Checklist templates can easily be replicated and reused both within Jira and Confluence, publicly with a link or mobile with our native mobile app. Learn more about checklist templates here.


Signature hint

If your checklist requires a signature we'll now show a small animation for users to indicate that they can use the area for their signature. 

Your mouse cursor will also turn into a target cross. Happy signing.


Deep Links for templates and checklists

You can now share checklist templates on our app with other users via deep-link url. Users need to be logged in to open this link. 

This functionality is also available for checklist instances.


Statistics with PostHog

We've started to ensure that we understand better how our software is used and where we need to improve. We've also updated our EULA and our info about analytics software.


While this is an actual screenshot of our dashboard you may want to consider Churchill who famously said with his unfailing irony: "the only statistics you can trust are the ones you have falsified yourself". 


Auto assignment for epics / subtasks

We're now supporting all issue types and epics and subtasks, as well as automatic assignments of checklists.

The automatic assignments help you to directly generate checklists with every new issue as soon as it is generated: Automatically embed checklists in Atlassian Jira

And some more improvements & fixes

FIXED Templates created from examples show empty descriptions for each task.

FIXED Finished checklists have unfinished tasks.

FIXED Empty non-mandatory fields cause errors on saving

FIXED Wrong colors for template feedback badges

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This page was last edited on 01/01/2024.