Menu Settings

Display options

  • Activate the option Display navigation in header to integrate your menu automatically below the Confluence application header. 
  • You can choose your menu style. This style will apply to all menu items:
    • Plain is a classic dropdown layout. It supports up to four levels
    • Flyout shows the items in a multi column style. This is best used with three levels of items. It will not show a fourth level.
    • Extended flyout is the best choice if you have really a lot of menu items. It needs four levels of items to look its best.
  • You can choose to show the menu to users that are not logged in, if your Confluence instance is accessible by anonymous users.

Menu editors

Configure which users or user groups are allowed to edit the menu structure without them having to be administrators. They will be shown a configuration "gear wheel" link at the right side of the menu.

Unlock menu

If a user starts editing the navigation structure, nobody else can access this view. It gets locked until the user logs out or his session expires. Please be aware that if your admin session expires, you are not able to save your menu. The Confluence default admin session expiration time is set to 10 minutes.

Confluence administrators can always unlock the editor view, but they should keep in mind that unlocking the navigation edit view might cause the loss of changes made by a currently active editor.

  • No labels

This content was last updated on 09/04/2019.

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