- Created by Seibert Media employee on Sep 26, 2019
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News Magazines: Curate and aggregate news into visually attractive news magazines or news rooms
General idea
Many organizations, especially larger ones, have so many news published each day, that there's a need for further aggregation and curation of news concerning specific topics. For example a collection of news from various spaces that all apply to health and safety. Or a dedicated collection of news for a specific branch of the organization.
Until now, these needs could be met (somewhat) by setting up a Confluence page with various news macros on it. But this method has some drawbacks. For one, it often isn't very pleasing to the eye, and if you ever tried to design a multi column Confluence page with a bunch of neatly aligned macros, you know how much of a pain that can be. Also there's a possibility for news appearing several times in different macros if they happen to match the selection criteria.
Permissions of course still apply! If a user doesn't have reading permissions for a news item, they will not see this item in the News Magazine.
The dedicated News Magazines, that are located within the News Hub, are meant to solve these issues.
- No news item will appear twice.
- All elements are positioned and aligned to create the look of a modern and attractive News Magazine without hassle on your side
- Maximum flexibility for selecting the news sources with easy to use filter rules
- Can be colored differently than the rest of the theme, so it stands out visually.
- Configurable by regular users or user groups, no admin status necessary
Granting permissions to magazine editors
Usually the people who are best suited to configure a news magazine will be part of a communications team. They not necessarily have Confluence admin status. That's why you don't have to be an admin to set up and configure news magazines - but an admin has to grant permissions to do so, so not every random user can do that willy nilly.
As an admin, you'll want to find the entry "News Magazines" within the Confluence administration. There you click on "Permission Settings" to define the users that you want to grant the permissions for setting up and editing News Magazines.
Simply enter individual user names or Confluence groups and click on the "add" button to grant permissions.
At the moment there is no further configuration available like for example granting editing permissions only for specific magazines.
If a user has admin status, they will automatically have permission to add, edit and delete News Magazines.
Management overview over News Magazines
As a user with Magazine permissions (or as an admin) you'll find the entry "News Management" in the sidebar of the News Hub. Regular users don't see this entry.
Click on "Magazine Management" to access the overview of all existing News Magazines.
If a magazine is marked as "inactive", regular users won't see it and cannot access it, even if they try with the direct URL. Magazine Editors have access, so they can work on the configuration and preview.
If a magazine is marked as "active", regular users will see its title in the sidebar on the left of the news hub. They can access it by clicking this title. There's no restrictions to this, all users can access all active magazines. For the news within a magazine, the usual permissions apply: If a user doesn't have reading permissions for a news item, they won't see it in the news magazine.
A Magazine Editor has to set the status to active, there's no automatism. That is to give them time to work on the configuration without everyone else stumbling upon a half finished magazine.
Setting up a new magazine
After clicking the button to create a new magazine, you'll be asked for a title. This title can be shown as a heading for the magazine page itself (which is optional), and it also serves as the entry in the sidebar of the news hub. You can edit this title later, if you need to.
Elements of a freshly set up News Magazine
On the top left, you'll see the title you just set. The edit icon lets you change this title. The checkbox below lets you choose if you want to show this title as heading on the magazine itself or not. It's checked by default.
On the top right, there's two buttons:
- "Add module" lets you add different content elements to your magazine. There's no limit to the number of modules you add, but maybe you shouldn't add several hundred
- "Edit styling" lets you set specific colors for various elements.
On the bottom right you have several functions:
- The "Magazine active" toggle lets you set the status of the magazine. Set it to active when your are done configuring and want it to be accessible by other users.
- The "Preview" button shows you the Magazine as it would look like to you if it was to active. The usual Confluence permissions apply to news items. You might see a news item in the magazine, while another user who doesn't have reading permissions for this specific item doesn't see it.
- "Save" lets you save the current configuration.
- "Close" closes the configuration view and leads to the magazine itself. If you close without saving before, all changes made to the configuration will be discarded and it will revert to the previous configuration.
Adding a new module to the magazine
- tbd
Adding a text module to the magazine
- tbd
Adding a link module to the magazine
- tbd
Styling the magazine
- tbd
- No labels
This content was last updated on 09/26/2019.
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