- Created by Administrator, last modified on Mar 07, 2019

Easy Events RSVP - User Guide 1.3
Create meeting pages with ease and let users RSVP with one click
See the documentation for your Release
Create an event via blueprint
You can easily create an event with a Confluence blueprint
- Click the create button
- Choose the EasyEvent blueprint
- Click create

Fill in your event data and press create
Field | Description |
Event name * | This will be the title of the event and the event page. |
Date | This is the date of your event in the format YYYY-MM-DD (e.g., 2015-03-31). Click inside the field to get a date picker (does not work in all browsers). |
Location | The location of your event. |
Start / End | The time when your event starts and ends in the format HH:SS (e.g., 09:30 or 14:30). Modern browsers will provide a time picker. |
Max. number | How many users will be able to join your event? A blank field or 0 will lead to unlimited users. |
Show event information | Check this option to display the event information on the event page. Uncheck if you want to include the participants list macro ("EasyEvents - Participate") on another page. |
* mandatory field

After creation you will find yourself in the edit mode of a new event page
The field values are inside the participate macro. You can add further description text to the macro body. The description will be used for the downloadable ical file.
Also another macro - the "Join Default Image Macro" - is added, which provides a placeholder image for your event page. Feel free to replace the image with your own event image.
Edit your event details after creation
The participate macro provides all details to your event and you can edit them here.The event page
See all the Event details
As you can see, the event title is also the title of the page. Below the title you see the event image (or a default if you have not chosen an own image).
The Participate Macro has two parts:
- On the left you can sign up or sign off for an event and below you see the other participants.
- On the right the event details are shown (if you have checked that option in the edit macro view).
On the lower hand right corner you can see that the label "easy-event" is added, so you can find all event pages.
Sign up or sign off for an event
Sign yourself up or add other users
If you just click the "sign up" button, you will be added to the event. If you type a username under the participate section (you will get a list of suggested users), you are able to add this user. You can also type an arbitrary name (eg., "Mr. Seibert of //SEIBERT/MEDIA") to add a guest without user account.
If you sign up other users, they will get a notification and automatically watch the page, so they will not miss updates to the event.
Notice changes on the event
You will:
- get an email:
- If another user adds or removes you from an event
- If the event page is modified (e.g. new location)
- get a notification in the Confluence workbox
- If another user adds or removes you from an event
- automatically watch the event page
- If you or another user adds or removes you from an event
Calendar export
You can export an event as a *.ics file by clicking the "Add to calendar" button
Your calendar application should be able to import this file and add an appointment.
If the event is updated, you will have to download the *.ics file again manually. When importing the new file, the existing event should be updated in your calendar application.
List of upcoming events
Place a list of upcoming events anywhere on a page
The Event List Macro provides a list of all upcoming events that have been created in a space. Please note: Events that are created with the Easy Events RSVP Plugin in version 1.2 and lower will not be displayed by the Event List Macro.
- No labels
This content was last updated on 03/07/2019.
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