Linchpin User Profiles - Documentation

Create a meaningful and up to date profile

See the documentation for your Release


1.16 Release Notes

Enhance your profile using the new multiline text field with embedded links.


  • We added a new fieldtype "Multiline Text" for extended texts, e.g."about me". If the users add URLs to this text they will be converted to clickable hyperlinks in the profile and vcard view.


  • Administration: The options of select and multiselect fields now get sorted as configured.
  • Administration: The configuration of profile fields now doesn't change the sorting of the fields.
  • Mobile view: Special fields like phone and email in a user profile work correctly now.

Known issues

* New profile fields added after activating the incremental LDAP sync require a one-time full sync in order to be synchronized properly


  • No labels

This content was last updated on 03/07/2019.

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