(Release 3.3) Easy Events RSVP - Admin Guide 1.8

Create meeting pages with ease and let users RSVP with one click

See the documentation for your Release

Table of Contents


Configure easily the categories the users can assign their events to. You can create, rename and delete categories in this simple interface.
These categories can be used to filter events in the Event Calendar Macro and the Event List Macro.

NEW in 1.7: Event Header

With the new release you get easy access to your Events via the new menu button in the Confluence navigation. However, if you want to hide this link you simply disable the following module in your Add-On configuration "easy-events-app-header-web-item".

(warning) Please note: The action is still available, if the user knows the link.

  • No labels

This content was last updated on 12/15/2020.

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