Create Issue Templates

In order to create a new Issue Template, open the Template Library (Jira navigation → Apps → Issue Templates)

Click on Create template. You'll be redirected to the details view of the new template. 

Start by choosing an icon and color. Next you have to define a project. Every template is coupled to one project, which means, that all issues, epics and subtasks related to that template will be created within the chosen project. Please notice, that the project can not be changed as soon as you have created the template and that we have a maximum of 60 templates per project. 

Choose a name for your template. You can also add a subtitle and a description. Icon, name and subtitle will be shown within the template library. The description is shown within the template preview.

Visibility in Template Library

By default, a template is visible for all users who have access to your Jira instance within the template library.

Though, a template can only be used by users who have permission to see the linked project ("Browse permission"). In addition, the preview of the template will also be only visible for users with the mentioned permission. 

In order to hide a template for users with no Browse Project permission within the template library, you have to deactivate the toggle Visible in template library.

In this case, a template will only be visible if a user filters for the project (only projects with Browse Permission will be available here).

If you have entered the needed information, click Create

Add Issues to a Template

If you've just created a template, you'll be directed to the Issue View within the Template Edit Mode. You can also navigate to this view via the sidebar. 

Click on Add Issue to create the first entry. Start with the summary of the issue and press Enter. You can keep on creating all needed issues.

A template can have up to 500 issues, depending on the size of each issue (in detail: We have a size limit, not an issue limit). So if you have issues with a lot of data and information, the number of possible issues will decrease. 

Change Hierarchy of Issues

By default, issues will be created on the same issue level.

You can drag'n'drop issues to the matching place to define a hierarchy such as Epic → Issue → Child Issue. You can even have multiple hierarchies within one template. In addition you can add a hierarchy by clicking the "plus" icon beside an entry.

The new issue will be created as a child issue. 

If an issue is located at a hierarchy level where the issue type is not suitable, you'll see a warning sign behind the entry. You can still save and use your template, but the affected issue won't be created (neither will the child issues of this issue be). 

Change Issue Type

Click on the issue icon. A dropdown will open and you'll see the available issue types for this project.

Depending on the issue hierarchy, you might get the information "Unsuitable issue type".

You can still choose the related issue type and change the hierarchy afterwards.


Fill in Issue Fields

Since an issue is more than just a summary in most cases, you can add details by clicking on the issue entry within the hierarchy view.

At the right side of your screen you'll see the available issue fields for the issue type depending on your project configuration.

You are missing a certain field? Contact us via and we'll try to add support within an upcoming release. 

When you've done editing, don't forget to click Save otherwise your work will be lost.

By clicking Discard the template will be set back to the last saved version.


Add Variables to Create a Form

A form helps you to capture information in a structured way. This is why we have also added the possibility to add a form to your template which will gather information and add these to related issues respectively issue fields. 

A form is based on variables. After creating variables, you can add those to the issues you have created within the Issues View. 

We offer different kinds of input types for variables:

  • Text input
  • User picker
  • Date picker
  • Select
  • Multiselect

To create a variable, click on Add variable. Choose the input type (if a type is missing, please let us know via

You can change the name of the variable, e.g. Employee Name and add a placeholder which will be shown within the form so your team mates know what to enter. You can use input types several time per template. The maximum number of variables per template is ten. 

You can see a preview of the form and change the order of the form inputs by drag'n'drop. 

Click Save to make your variables available for the created template issues.

Add Variables to your Template Issues

Navigate to the Issue View and click on an entry which should include a created variable. Depending on the field type, you can use suitable variables. 



Within the summary you can add variables based on the following input types:

  • Text Input
  • Select
  • Multiselect

To add a variable to an issue summary, type "#". A dropdown will open and you can choose from the suitable variables. You can add multiple variables.


You can add variables based on the following input types:

  • Text Input
  • Select
  • Multiselect

Click on the dropdown "Variables" to choose a suitable variables. You can add multiple variables.


Variables based on the input type "User picker" can be used. If you've defined a default assignee and choose a variable afterwards, the default value will be overwritten.


You can add variables based on the following input types:

  • Text Input
  • Select
  • Multiselect

You can even add default labels and labels based on variables. Default values won't be overwritten. 

Due Date

Variables based on the input type "Date picker" can be used. If you've defined a default due date and choose a variable afterwards, the default value will be overwritten.

Best Practice

Filter for a project within the Template Library. Then copy the URL and paste it in as a shortcut within the linked project. This way, the relevant Issue Templates will be available for your teams even faster. 

Create Issues based on a Template

Navigate to the Template Library (available through the Jira Navigation → Apps)

You'll see all templates which are globally visible. Choose a template or filter the template list by project or search term. Please be aware, that we can only show 60 templates within these views.

Favoured templates will be shown first. To add a template to your favourites, click on the Star icon.  

(lightbulb) Please notice, that if a template is globally visible, but you don't have permission to view the linked project, you'll see the template within the library, but if you click on it, there will be no information about the template nor can you use or edit it. 

Click on a Template Card to open the preview. You can now see the description of the template as well as the issue hierarchy.

Click on  Use template

When a form is part of the template, an overlay will open. Enter the needed information. These will be added to the related issues.

You'll then see a progress bar. Depending on how many issues will be created, it might take some time. As soon as the process is finished, you can see the issue keys and open issues if necessary. 

Edit and Delete Templates

Click on the Template Card and then on the Edit-Icon. Adjust the template as needed.

To delete a template, navigate to the Details view. On the right top corner, you can see a Button. Click the Button and choose Delete. Only users with Create issues permission for the related project and administrators can edit or delete a template.

(lightbulb) If a project has been deleted, a related template cannot be edited or deleted via the standard UI. Administrators can still delete the template by adding  ?deletion=true to the template URL (visible when you click on a template).

Contact and Feedback

We are happy about any kind of feedback. Please let us know if you have questions or feature requests.

Contact us via We will answer your E-Mail as soon as possible.

  • No labels
This page was last edited on 06/24/2024.