Linchpin Touch

Your intranet on the bulletin board - easy to maintain, intuitive and up-to-date

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Eyecatcher mode

General Idea

When no one is actively using Linchpin Touch, it will switch to eyecatcher mode automatically after a certain amount of time. In this mode, elements of the main area will be zoomed in on, thus creating movement on the display. The idea is to attract attention by this movement from people walking by and pulling them to the display.

You can configure the duration of events in eyecatcher mode:

  • How long do you want the display to sit idle before it goes to eyecatcher mode? Don't choose this duration too small, otherwise people reading larger pieces of text might be interrupted too soon.
  • How long do you want to show the complete main area before it zooms in on a quadrant?
  • How long do you want to show the zoomed in quadrant before it zooms back out to the complete main area?
  • After how many complete cycles do you want to let the page reload itself? This reload will ensure that freshly created news items will show up on the screen automatically. Linchpin Touch is caching contents to ensure high performance while in use. Therefore the reload is needed to retrieve changed or new contents.

Sometimes within the contents there are links to external resources. In some cases, Linchpin Touch is not able to retrieve those contents, for example if the device is not allowed to retrieve content from anywhere but its own domain.

To prevent a stuck state of the display trying to load contents that will never show up, you can define a timeout. In this example, Linchpin Touch will try to load the contents for ten seconds before aborting.

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This content was last updated on 01/04/2018.

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