Microblogging for Confluence

Share information, have conversations, write messages and updates

See the documentation for your Release

Write a micropost

Mention a user by typing "@" and you'll get suggestions.

The Microblog Editor to write a micropost is similar to the one used by Confluence for comments. Use it to share information and style your micropost.

You can use:

  • Text formatting
  • Links
  • Images
  • @ to mention a user
  • # to label / hashtag a micropost
  • Some macros

(warning) Please note, that not all macros work within the microblog. Especially if you insert them via copy / paste.

Reply to a micropost

Replying to a micropost uses the same editor as writing a new one.

Replying to micropost is pretty much the same as writing a new one. By clicking the "Reply"-Button the related micropost will moved to the top of the timeline and you can answer while seeing the context.


A typical notification after a user mentions you in a micropost.

If a user replies to your micropost or you get mentioned in a micropost, you'll get an email notification (if you configured your account to receive notifications).

The notification emails contain the micropost with complete context (i.e., all replies), and with all attached images.

You can directly view, answer and like the micropost.

Daily Digest

The subscribe button for the daily digest on your global timeline.

If you want to know what is going on inside your confluence microblog, but you can't access your intranet because you are out of office (and e.g. your confluence is behind a firewall), the daily digest feature is what you are looking for.

Simply click the watch button on your global timeline and get an email with all unread posts.

(warning) At the moment, this feature is only available for the global timeline (not for space timelines).

The subscription dialog after clicking the watch button

By clicking the checkbox you can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the daily digest. You can also choose the hour when you want to receive your daily digest.

(warning) Please note that your server time can differ from your local time ("current server time: 13:38"). So if your local time is 11:38 you are 2 hours behind your server time.


  • No labels

This content was last updated on 01/14/2020.

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