Linchpin Enterprise News

Share your company's news with your employees

See the documentation for your Release

The root page Linchpin Enterprise News - Documentations could not be found in space Plugin Documentation.

Add a lead paragraph (intro text)


When you create or edit a blog post, there's a panel on top of your tool bar where you can enter additional information for your post. Click to open it.

Enter a short paragraph that summarizes your news post or attracts the readers' attention. The amount of text is limited to 500 characters. This intro text or lead paragraph will be visible on the news item above the regular content, highlighted by a larger font. It's also used as the excerpt needed for news overviews like Cover Stories and Corporate or Personal News Feeds.

Please note: Any standard Confluence macros or macros of other plugins that show blog posts will ignore the intro text.


Enterprise News Bundle

Share your company's news with your employees

See the documentation for your Release

The root page Linchpin Enterprise News - Documentations could not be found in space Plugin Documentation.

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This content was last updated on 06/06/2019.

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