Linchpin User Profiles - Documentation

Create a meaningful and up to date profile

See the documentation for your Release


2.4 Release Notes

Improve your userlists with the awesome extension of the Custom User List Macro!


  • You can now configure multiple profile fields as filter for the Custom User List Macro. Thereby you can define even more precise user searches.
  • Now the Confluence user profile fields are selectable as search filter in the Custom User List Macro.


  • We fixed some bugs in the UI of the Profile Macro.

Important Note:

In the near future the Custom landing spaces will move and find a new home in our Linchpin Theme Plugin. There will be a migration process so that there should be no need to reconfigure your landing spaces. We will provide detailed information on that topic when the time comes (smile)

Please be aware that downgrading from this version to a version smaller than 2.0 may result in unwanted side effects. Only experienced administrators should consider this step.

  • No labels

This content was last updated on 10/28/2017.

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