- Created by Administrator on Jan 14, 2020
What's new?
Version 3.4
We greatly improved stability and compatibility of the Microblog.
Known issues
Security violation in versions 3.4.9+. Please update immediately to 3.4.12.
Does not work with Linchpin Touch 1.5, will be compatible with Touch 1.6
Version 3.4.14
Compatibility release
- Minor changes were made. so that the Microblog is compatible with Confluence 6.12.
We also added compatibility fixes for the Space Privacy app and Tree View app.
Version 3.4.13
- We fixed issues on Confluence instances with context path.
Version 3.4.12
Important security bugfixes! Please update immediately from versions 3.4.9+.
- Fixed a visibility violation in the daily digest.
This error exists since version 3.4.9.
Version 3.4.11
Replies loaded by clicking "show more replies" missed the unfold button, if they were higher than the height cap. We fixed that.
Animation delay of older posts was too long. It should be okay now.
Version 3.4.10
Bugfixes & Improvements
We improved the loading times of posts with better caching.
We increased the performance of the Microblog by loading only visible replies instead of all replies.
Better display animation of posts in timelines was included. Previously it caused a huge lag in every browser.
We restored the shortcut "e" to edit the page on pages with the Microblog macro.
Removed the banner to help us with user testing.
Version 3.4.9
This release had an error, which did not allow to edit pages that contained a Microblog macro properly. It is now safe to down- or upgrade manually to fix this issue.
Version 3.4.8
Performance release - We improved the loading time of the Microblog timeline!
Version 3.4.7
REST-Endpoints behave more clearly according to the convention now.
Buttons within the Microblog sidebar are no longer hidden when displaying a lot of topics.
We added a GDPR information within the administrator user test banner.
Version 3.4.6
- You can now properly set restrictions on pages with a Microblog timeline.
Version 3.4.5
Feedback is now very welcome!
Give us feedback regarding the Microblogging Plugin by doing a user test.
You can find further information here: Microblog user test
Version 3.4.4
We improved performance of the search to speed up the Microblog timeline loading time.
We optimized the loading time of editor's javascript resources.
We added compatibility for the latest RefinedTheme version (6.0-beta).
Version 3.4.3
Update to allow readability for anonymous users again.
All posts are now visible to anonymous users again, if the permission restrictions in Confluence allow anonymous access to the spaces.
An occasionally appearing white space at the bottom of the timeline was removed.
The sidebar buttons should no longer float above the post when replying.
The ...-Menu at the bottom was moved to the head of a post and should no longer float under the text.
Version 3.4.2
Microblog works on dashboards with RefinedTheme again.
Sidebar buttons are compatible with Confluence 6.7 now.
Version 3.4.1
New features
You can now copy permalinks to Microblog posts.
Compatibility with the Space Privacy app was added, to restrict available users to the given topic space.
Microblog self service is now available for the Confluence Default template.
Problems with editor timeout in Confluence 6.6 were fixed.
A JavaScript error in auto complete, which appeared while choosing a non-existing topic or space, was fixed.
Image preview on dashboard and Microblog action does work again.
PDF preview for digest in replies does work again.
- No labels
This content was last updated on 01/14/2020.
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