
Global Configuration

Global configuration can be accessed via JIRA administration > Add-ons > InstaPrinta > Configuration. The interface contains both the configuration for InstaPrinta and a section to manage all InstaPrinta templates.

  1. Hides the context menu point for direct printing in the InstaPrinta menu
  2. Indicates printer URL that is necessary for direct printing. It can be an IP based or domain based URL.
  3. Limits visibility of direct print button for individual user groups. Only user in defined groups see the menu point for direct printing.
  4. Sets the preselected template in the InstaPrinta Menu to print or .pdf creation.
  5. Displays or hides the button for creation of a QuickCard.
  6. Report bugs directly in our bug tracker.
Template Management
  1. Install our defined example templates.
  2. Dialogue to upload a new template or edit an existing template
  3. List of all projects which define the template as a standard template. Templates used as standard can not be deleted.
  4. When checked, the template is available in the InstaPrinta menu. The standard template can not be deactivated.
  5. Allows downloading the template as XSL data.
  6. Deletes a template after confirmation.

Project Configuration

Settings can be changed for every project. Project configuration can be found in the admin area of a project under "InstaPrinta". All fields will initially be grey. The settings can be changed via activating the check box for project configuration for this project. If the checkmark is not selected, it will default to global InstaPrinta configuration. Most settings of global configuration can be edited for every individual project.


The elements in the issue view, marked with colored circles, are partially part of the existing templates or can be used to create new templates. Apache FOP is used to transform templates in XSL-FO format (in a special XSL style sheet, W3C-Standard) for direct printing or .pdf creation.

Placeholder for JIRA entries for use in templates

You can use the following place holders in the templates for the items marked in the issue view above. To test all fields, the template InstaPrinta - Administrator Guide 2.0 can be used.

  1. Issue key (___ip.key___)
  2. Summary (___ip.summary___)
  3. Issue type icon (___ip.issuetypeIcon___)
  4. Issue type (___ip.issuetype___)
  5. Priority (___ip.priority___)
  6. Labels (___ip.labels___)
  7. Status (___ip.status___)
  8. Fix versions (___ip.fixVersions___)
  9. Description (___ip.description___)
  10. Assignee (___ip.assignee___)
  11. Reporter (___ip.reporter___)
  12. Due date (___ip.duedate___)
  13. Date created (___ip.created___)
  14. Date updated (___ip.updated___)
  15. Estimated time (hours) (___ip.timeestimate___)
  16. Parent (___ip.parent___)
  1. Epic link (___ip.epiclink___)
  2. Sprint (___ip.sprint___)
  3. Story Points (___ip.storyPointsValue___)
  4. Rank (___ip.rank___)
  1. URL (___ip.url___)
  2. Storypoint color (___ip.storypointsColor___)
  3. QR code of URL (___ip.qrcodeimage___)
  4. Estimate (SP or hours) (___ip.estimate___)
  5. Custom fields
    • Pattern: ___ip.customfield_xxx___
    • xxx corresponds to numbers, i.e. ___ip.customfield_10000___.
    • A complete table of all fields can be found on the global configuration page.

Existing sample templates

InstaPrinta comes with a series of sample templates. They are available automatically at first installation and can be activated for use. If the templates have been deleted, they may also be installed again via the template management in the global configuration interface. If there are templates with the same name, they will never be overwritten. Templates with the same names will need to be deleted manually in template management before a new installation.

These templates contain some elements form the issue view (above) and can be identified by the colored circles and numbers. 



Managing templates in the JIRA admin area

Global configuration includes an area to manage (upload, delete, download) InstaPrinta templates. The use is explained in the section global configuration.

Technical information about XSL-FO

Apache FOP 1.1:


  • No labels

This content was last updated on 06/17/2016.

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