Linchpin Enterprise News

Share your company's news with your employees

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Give your news tiles a differentiated look, depending on space, label or category


Usually all news tiles in a Cover Stories macro look the same: Background colors, fonts, font color etc.

But maybe you want to have a special look for news from a certain space, category or news tagged with a certain label: a golden background for news from the CEO's space maybe? (wink)

In any case, starting with version 2.2 of Linchpin Enterprise News you can do just that: Set different CSS styles for the elements of a news tile depending on space, category or label.

These stylings have to be added via Custom CSS, there's no GUI for this functionality.

The CSS classes are the following:

For spaces:


For labels:


For news categories:



How to find out the category ID

Switch to the news category configuration within your Confluence administration. There's a table listing all existing news categories. Right-click the category of which you want to know the ID. Use your Browsers tool for inspecting the code. There's an entry "data-category-id". That's the information you are looking for. In our example the ID for category "Allgemein" is 5. To set CSS stylings for news from this category, you'll use the class "enb-category-5".

Another way to get all categories along with their IDs is to enter the following code in the browser console:


  • No labels

This content was last updated on 12/06/2018.

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