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Release Notes

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Version 4.1.0

(warning) Note: If you want to update your Jira from 9 to 10 and encounter any problems, see the following article: Updating to Jira 10 with Agile Hive


  • We introduced new issue types representing Epics in Agile Hive: Team Epic, ART Epic, Solution Train Epic.
    These must be used for the Epic functionality.
  • IMPORTANT: These must be added to your Issue Type Schemes yourself, as we do not edit existing configurations!
  • Agile Hive Epics can be linked with the Agile Hive Link to issues from the same project.
  • Team Epics can be used like ART issues on the Breakout Board.
  • Shared Service Teams are allowed to link to Team Epics.
  • A more detailed guide can be found here: Using Epics in Agile Hive
  • If you are planning to migrate to Agile Hive Cloud soon, make sure to migrate Agile Hive Epics first. Follow this article here: Cloud Migration Prerequisites


  • Fixed a bug where dependencies between ART issues could not be displayed when a child issue was in a Sprint with no start and end dates.
  • Fixed a bug where rapid views with Custom Epic Panel could not be loaded when special characters where used in the linked issues' names.

Also contains fixes from version 4.0.1 for the Jira 9 version, as there was a bundling error in this version and we set it to private.

  • Fixed a bug where only users with admin permissions could view the Agile Hive Roadmaps in Jira 10
  • Fixed a bug where the loading spinner would remain visible, when only Independent issues were present on the Breakout Board
  • Fixed a bug where the dependency line between two issues from different ARTs could not be drawn
  • Fixed a Javascript error on the Project Hierarchies view, when moving multiple projects around and re-connecting them to different parents
  • Fixed a bug in Custom Epic Panel, where configurations with more than 1000 boards could not be edited or removed, when an oracle database was used for Jira.


  • Data Center Approval for 2025
  •  Updated dependencies for AH, CEP and IP

Version 4.0.1

(warning) Note: If you want to update your Jira from 9 to 10 and encounter any problems, see the following article: Updating to Jira 10 with Agile Hive


  • Fixed a bug where only users with admin permissions could view the Agile Hive Roadmaps in Jira 10
  • Fixed a bug where the loading spinner would remain visible, when only Independent issues were present on the Breakout Board
  • Fixed a bug where the dependency line between two issues from different ARTs could not be drawn
  • Fixed a Javascript error on the Project Hierarchies view, when moving multiple projects around and re-connecting them to different parents
  • Fixed a bug in Custom Epic panel where configurations with more than 1000 boards could not be edited or removed, when an oracle database was used for Jira

Version 4.0.0

(warning) Note: If you want to update your Jira from 9 to 10 and encounter any problems, see the following article: Updating to Jira 10 with Agile Hive


  • With Version 4.0.0 we provide compatibility for Jira 10
  • To be compatible with Jira 9 and Jira 10, we provide you with two releases for each Version from now on
    • The releases suffixed with -jira9 will provide Jira 9 support
    • The releases suffixed with -jira10 will provide Jira 10 support


  • Fixed the falsely provided Custom Epic Panel version
    • This fixes, that Custom Epic Panel would demand a own license since one of our last releases

Version 3.73.0

JQL on the Team Reports, look and feel update for Reports and several bugfixes


  • The issues on Team Reports can now be filtered by a custom JQL query.
  • The PI Overview on Solution and ART Reports has been rebuilt and now features a new look and feel.


  • Fixed the quick filters for ART issues on the Breakout Board, which were incorrectly fetched from Team Boards instead of ART Boards.
  • Fixed a bug where setting the PI directly when creating a new ART issue caused the issue not to appear on the ART Report.
  • Changing a Sprint name after PI creation now correctly updates the Sprint lozenges on all Jira and Agile Hive views.

Version 3.72.3

Bugfix Release

  • Removed direct print capability and printer configuration in InstaPrinta due to security reasons.
  • Removed vulnerable dependencies for InstaPrinta (along with the direct print function).
  • Fixed a bug where the JQL filter did not work when "Hide parents" was active on Solution Train Reports.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Planning Interval in currentPiForArt" function caused a compilation error when using the issueFunction aggregateExpression provided by ScriptRunner.
  • Fixed a bug on Jira versions > 9.6 where issuekeys on Kanban boards are no longer clickable when Custom Epic Panel is configured for this board.
  • Fixed a bug where a Solution Train report or view could not be loaded when an empty/orphaned Solution Train PI for this project existed in the database.
  • IMPORTANT: Beginning with the next version in 2025, we will reduce the range of compatible Jira versions for Agile Hive to 9.4 up to the latest versions.

Version 3.72.1

Added more JQL Autocomplete functionality and several bugfixes

  • The "Unplanned Issues" backlogs on Breakout Board and Roadmap are now search- and sortable by JQL.
  • The issues in PI Overview component on ART and Solution Train Reports are now sortable via JQL when "Hide Parents" is active.
  • Feature filter on the Breakout Board uses JQL now to filter Features. This fixed a bug where only previously expanded Teams where considered for the Feature filter.
  • Fixed a bug where Shared Service Team issues were not shown on the Breakout Board when the Shared Service Team did not have a Jira Board (Rapidview).
  • Fixed a bug where adding multiple Quick Filters did not work.
  • Fixed a bug where brackets around quick filters prevented queries starting with "ORDER BY" from working.
  • Fixed a bug where the projects in the top navigation menu did not follow the alphabetical order anymore.
  • Prevented creation of Planning Intervals from Team projects.
  • Added menu entry, functionality and test interface for Agile Hive Cloud migration.

Version 3.71.0

Toggle parent issues on reports

Features & Improvements

  • Introduced a "Show/Hide Parents" button to toggle the visibility of parent issues in both ART and Solution Reports.
  • Added a warning message in the Planning Interval creation/editing dialog to alert users when their Planning Interval name exceeds the character limit, which may result in truncated Sprint names.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved a potential NullPointerException that could occur during Manual Recalculation.
  • Fixed a JavaScript error that could appear when issues were reordered in the backlog while using the Custom Epic Panel.
  • Corrected an issue where dependency lines were not displayed when utilizing a custom dependency link type.
  • Addressed an error with date fields in the PI creation/editing dialog that could slow down the UI when date fields were modified via keyboard input.

Version 3.70.0

Multi Hive, JQL filter on most reports, Unplanned Issues: apply filter sorting

Features & Improvements

  • Agile Hive supports multiple independent SAFe configurations in the project hierarchies and the top navigation now (Multi Hive). Shared Services are shared across all different hives.
  • The issues in the (PI) overview section of the ART, Solution and Portfolio Reports can be filtered now by using custom JQL as well as quick filters.
  • The Unplanned Issues Backlogs in the Breakout Board and the Roadmap now support ORDER BY clauses in the Quick Filters.
  • Added a JQL-function for current PI: "Planning Interval" in currentPiForArt(KEY).
  • Extended the Fibonacci-Value range to support 100.
  • Limited the Manual Recalculation in the Project Settings to Jira and System Administrators, to match the global Manual Recalculation in the admin section.


  • Team Breakout Board: Fixed a bug where a removed feature swimlane would reappear once the board was reloaded.

Version 3.69.0

Edit current PI and other improvements

  • It is now possible to edit the currently running PI. The end date can be moved further in the future or closer to the current date, the start date can’t be changed. The amount of iterations can changed, but past iterations can not be edited.
  • JQL-Autocomplete shows ART project names in suggestions for PIs now.
  • Collapse and expand all parent issues on the ART, Solution and Portfolio-Reports.
  • The nightly cron job for the recalculation of all properties and the configuration for this has been removed. Active jobs will be unscheduled, too, as Jira would keep them running if not explicitly unscheduled.
  • Fixed a bug where the load of Shared Service Teams was added to the (standard) Teams' load and compared to their capacity.
  • Fixed a bug where a project was still displayed as Shared Service Team after it had been removed from the Shared Service Teams. NOTE: In order to also remove the Story Points from the linked issues execute a recalculation of affected ARTs.

Version 3.68.0

Shared Service Teams on Breakout Board and Support for Quickfilters

  • Shared Service Teams involved in a feature will also be displayed on the Team Breakout Board and the Team Breakout Overview
  • Added quick filters to the JQL autocomplete filter. A selected quick filter will execute a JQL search directly
  • PI Dropdown: made list of PIs scrollable if more than six Pis exist
  • Reports: Kept the "Overview" header of reports visible on screen when the data container is scrolled up
  • Reports: strike out ART objective key for closed objectives
  • ART Planning Board: Used Shared Service label instead of External when dependency is from Shared Service Team
  • ART Planning Board: for issues with external dependencies the sprint end date is now prioritized higher than the due date in which iteration the issue is displayed
  • Roadmap: removed "Create your first PI" dialog if no PI exists
  • Roadmap: fixed JS error when the mouse pointer is over the header and the data has not been loaded yet
  • Loading icon on Breakout Board waits for issues to be loaded when Team is expanded

Version 3.67.0

Create PIs on Solution level, improved Breakout Board loading time

  • Create PIs for all ARTs in your Solution Train at once.
  • Improved loading time for Team Breakout Boards by only loading the primary team. Expanding other teams will load their issues on-demand.
  • Recalculate properties for a Portfolio project and its children from Portfolio's Project Settings.
  • Fixed sorting of Issue Keys with multi-digit numbers on Team Report.
  • Fixed a bug where a warning icon on Planning Board did not disappear after removing a dependency.
  • Fixed a bug where the ART Planning Board failed to load when a feature had an external dependency to a team issue without a parent ART.
  • Fixed a bug affecting the PI field of Team Issues of a deleted ART.
  • Archived issues are no longer included in the Burn-up Chart recalculation.

IMPORTANT: Please perform a project or complete property recalculation in order to view Dependencies on the Breakout Board and Roadmap.

Please note: With the upcoming release 3.69, we will remove the Cron Job which recalculates our properties on a nightly basis.

Version 3.66.3

Bugfix Release

  • Fixed the possibility for a failing upgrade task when a Sprint or Board of Agile Hive would have been deleted.
  • Fixed an upgrade task which migrates Business Value fields, so that it now only migrates values, for whom no new values where set after failed upgrade tasks.
  • Updated Custom Epic Panel to 2.9.0, fixing a bug where creating an Issues with selected Issue in Custom Epic Panel would not work, when the Jira would not have the context path "/jira" within its URL.
  • Updated AutoPage to Version 2.24.0, fixing a bug that occurred on AutoPage page creation when a Jira user could not be found in Confluence.

Important note: A reindex might be necessary, for the change on the Business Value fields to work.

Version 3.66.2

Hotfix release

We fixed the possibility for a failing upgrade task when the start or end date of Sprints were not set (i. e. null values in data base).

This error meant that in this case all upgrade tasks newer than August 2023 were not executed (including the migration of the business CFs). This will be corrected with this hotfix.

Version 3.66.1

Health check in admin settings and PI customfield bugfix

  • Health Check warnings will only be shown to administrators and project administrators.
  • New Health Check page in Agile Hive admin section.
  • Fixed a bug in the PI customfield where the field could not be set on Team issues when no parent issue was linked.

Version 3.66.0

Display Shared Service Teams on Reports

  • In Project Hierarchy in the Agile Hive Settings, it's now possible to mark projects in Jira as Shared Service Teams.
  • Once marked as Shared Service Team, issues from this project can be linked to features from different ART projects using the Agile Hive Hierarchy link.
  • The Teams Involved field supports Shared Service Teams and also calculates the value by looking at linked issues.
  • If a Shared Service project has the Planning Interval field configured in its issue types' screen schemes, the PI field can be set either manually depending on the parent issue or it will be calculated depending on Due Date or Sprint.
  • Shared Service Team issues will display their hierarchical context in the issue's sidebar.
  • ART reports will display the Shared Service Teams that contribute to this ART's features and enablers. To be considered for a certain PI, set the PI field on Shared Service Team issues, or they must be planned in sprints or need to have a Due Date set, that correlates with the PI.

Version 3.65.4

Jira 9.14 support and Bugfix

  • Added support for Jira up to 9.14
  • Fixed a bug, where the issue move operation in Jira would not work for an issue with the "Plan-" or "Actual Business Value" custom fields.

Version 3.65.3

Bugfixes and minor improvements

  • Fixed a bug in the manual re-calculation, which would raise an IllegalArgumentException, when not using a full SAFe configuration within Agile Hive.
  • Fixed a JavaScript error, which occurred on some Jira versions, when viewing Jira Scrum and Kanban Boards.
  • Fixed a visual bug, where the collapse chevron for issues would disappear, once they where collapsed via the "Collapse Issues" button on the Breakout Board and Breakout Overview.
  • Added the "Breakout Overview" menu item to the Agile Hive header, when a team level is viewed.
  • Removed "(Beta)" from the "ART Kanban" menu item.

Version 3.65.2

Bugfixes and minor improvements

  • More descriptive "Issues without parent" section
  • Agile Hive navigation menu is now scrollable
  • Some minor performance improvements while handling with projects and layers
  • Minor improvements to the property calculation
  • Fixed a JS error on the Breakout Board
  • Fixed a bug with the Breakout Board when the ART project didn't have any Jira board connected with it. Introduced Health Check to warn users when no Jira board is connected to ART projects
  • Fixed a bug in combination with the Agile Tools and Filters plugin
  • Fixed a bug on the ART Planning Board with dependencies outside of the current PI
  • Fixed upgrade task for WSJF values
  • Contains enabling functionality for the project-based re-calculation of properties (hidden until the actual feature release)
  • Improved issue link migration to Agile Hive Cloud
  • Fixed sorting of "Actual" & "Plan Business Value" custom field values after a JQL search.
  • An upgrade task will be running during the installation. Please perform a background re-index afterwards

Version 3.65.1

Property calculation, app resilience, minor improvements and bugfixes

  • Introducing asynchronous loading for report statistics using a loading skeleton as a placeholder.
  • Previously, ongoing property calculations hindered Agile Hive plugin updates, requiring Jira shutdowns for successful updates. We made the property worker more resilient so that an update of the plugin works now as expected.
  • Fixed a bug limiting users with only start/complete sprints permissions from starting and completing Sprints due to timestamp issues when creating Planning Intervals.
  • Further improvement of the property calculations by eliminating the need to calculate independent team issues every time an issue changes. We now calculate those only when users open the report pages.
  • The Public API's Iteration data transfer object now includes the ID field.
  • For milestone creation, date formats are now language-dependent, with known issues for Chinese, Spanish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Romanian formats (here you have to use the date picker!)
  • Fixed performance problems introduced in 3.65.0.

Version 3.64.3

Bugfix and minor improvements release

  • Added the possibility to select a Primary Board for ART and higher level projects. This board will be used to determine Quick Filters for Roadmap backlogs (and other places in the future).
  • Added an interface for migrating the Agile Hive issue links to an Agile Hive Cloud readable format.
  • Fixed a bug, where on fresh installs of the Agile Hive plugin, Upgrade Tasks, which required the Admin user set (obviously not possible as this is the first install), would fail. On subsequent upgrades, the Upgrade Tasks could run again unnecessarily.
  • Fixed a bug where an alternative Agile Hive Dependency Link did not appear on the ART Planning Board right after it was set via the Jira issue detail view.
  • Fixed a bug where dependencies between ARTs were not shown initially on the Roadmap but needed an "Update data" or an issue change.
  • Fixed a bug where a user without "Edit issues" permission could still drag and drop issues on Breakout Board and Roadmaps.
  • Fixed breaking project names in Agile Hive menu.

Version 3.64.2

Improvements and Bugfix release

  • All plugins are now compatible with Jira 9.12.
  • Further improvements for Property calculations. (Does not yet include changes to "Issues without parents". This will come with version 3.65.0.)
  • Renamed "Planned" section header in Objectives Widget on Reports.
  • Fixed the Feature swimlane name on the Breakout Board when scrolling horizontally on a higher zoom level.
  • Fixed a bug where two features could overlap if the start or end date was modified in the detail view.
  • Fixed a bug on Roadmaps, Planning and Breakout Boards where dropdown menus did not close when switching to other views.
  • Fixed a bug where a CSS directive that was defined in another plugin hid the Unplanned Issues backlog.
  • Fixed a bug where the Quickfilters for the Unplanned Issues Backlog were taken from the wrong board. (Known Issue: If the Board with the lowest ID is a Scrum Board, this will still be the board from which the filters will be taken. This will be fixed once we release Primary Board for ART level with 3.64.3.)

Version 3.64.1

Bugfix and Compatibility Release

  • Fixed NullPointerException during Manual Recalculation when projects had been removed from Hive.
  • Fixed an exception that could occur on a cluster with different number of cores per node.
  • Fixed a bug while displaying External Dependencies between Features and Team issues from different ART.
  • Refined calculation for ProgramBoardProperty and PlanningIntervalProperty.
  • Tested compatibility for Jira 9.10 and 9.11.

Version 3.64.0

Property calculation improvements

New Features

  • Improved property calculation for faster speed and optimized thread usage, allowing more specific calculations without the need to recalculate all issue properties
  • Agile Hive Settings: Customize number of parallel worker threads for property calculation
  • Breakout Board: Faster update of Features by improving property calculation speed
  • New Health Check for Teams' Primary Board Filters with multiple projects
  • Removed programIncrementId URL parameter on Roadmap views
  • New endpoint in the public API that returns the complete Project Hierarchy


  • PIs can be deleted again
  • Burn-Up Chart: Parallel threads can no longer generate multiple Data Point entries
  • Dependency lines were displayed with wrong criticality colors
  • Removed 'Virtual dependencies' option on Portfolio & Solution Roadmap as this is not yet supported
  • Portfolio & Solution Roadmap: Added scrollbars in the project selection menu


  • A manual recalculation is required to fix the criticality color of Dependency lines

Version 3.63.0

Portfolio & Solution Train Roadmap and many Bug Fixes


  • Roadmap now available for Portfolio & Solution Train projects.
  • Agile Hive navigation uniform across layers.
  • Improved change history access for faster property calculation.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Teams Involved error after team project deletion.
  • Fixed Portfolio & Solution Train level Teams Involved access in JQL Search.
  • Load value no longer sums Sub-Tasks with Story Points.
  • Fixed links conflicting with Agile Hive's Child of link.
  • Fixed Custom Epic Panel not loading for linked features in Jira 9.7.1.
  • Fixed Burn Up Chart load issue due to excessive data points, avoiding tab crashes.
  • Delimiters for Cost of Delay & WSJF set by user's language.

Known issues

  • Start dates > 2 years in the past can't be changed in Roadmap view. Workaround: Change Planned Start/End date fields.


  • Please enable Planned Start/End Date custom fields & include milestone issue type for Portfolio & Solution Train projects.
  • SAFe 6 Public API update in future release. Please check your custom scripts.

Version 3.62.2

Performance Improvement

Improved the calculation of the property for independent issues. This can greatly improve the performance of background activity of Agile Hive.

Version 3.62.1

Zoomable roadmap, Strategic Theme issue type and some bugfixes

  • It's now possible to zoom in or out of the ART Roadmap. Narrow down your planning time frame or obtaining a wider view on your planned issues.
  • Added Strategic Issue Type and Agile Hive Strategic Theme link to the standard Agile Hive Templates.
  • NOTE: If you want to use this issue type in your existing configurations, you have to add it manually to your Portfolio issue type scheme.
  • Changed calculation of the Teams Involved and issue ranking information for the Breakout Board data to fix a performance issue.
  • Also, we removed the Teams Involved call on this board that occurs every ten seconds.
  • Fixed a bug where the selection for the Feature Filter on the Breakout Board was not filled.
  • We made the "Update data" button on the Agile Hive views visible all the time, not just on hover over the info text.
  • Changed Debug log level to Trace in AgileHiveSprintService
  • Fixes a bug so that the sorting in the project menu is done alphabetically by project name (and no longer by Project Key)

Version 3.61.0

Jira compatibility release & JQL Filter on Program Board

New Features

  • Added field to filter issues by a custom JQL query on the Program Board.


  • Program & Team Report: On Windows with 125% screen resolution, the chevron for horizontal scrolling in the widgets can only be clicked once.
  • After v3.56 sprints without start date are not shown on reports


  • Agile Hive and all bundled Apps are now compatible with Jira up to version 9.9
  • On the boards, the 'Display Options' menu has been split into 'Issue Layout' and 'Zoom' menu points respectively

Version 3.60.2

Bugfix Release


  • Burn Up Chart: Fixed a bug that caused the forecast to drop when the sum of SP done in the current PI was significantly higher than the velocity.
  • The data points in the Burn Up Chart were still stored in local user time, which led to unexpected behavior. Now they are handled like all other date objects in order to achieve more uniform behavior.
  • Project Hierarchy: In large hives, the projects on the right side were partially hidden and no longer accessible. This is fixed now.
  • Breakout Board: Fixed a bug, where the Independent issue lane was not visible when there were no independent issues.
  • Breakout Board: The subtasks displayed since version 3.60 are now hidden again.
  • The "AgileHiveHierarchyProperty" is no longer used. Existing data base entries will be removed by an upgrade task. The performance web service now relies on the "AgileHiveProgramIncrementProperty" - take this into account if you want to compare its results before this version with ones from now on.

Version 3.60.0

JQL Filter for Breakout Board and SAFe 6 naming

New Features

  • Added autocomplete field to filter issues by a custom JQL query on the Breakout Board.
  • We made the name adjustments for SAFe 6 compliance (i.e. Program to ART etc.).
  • The Custom Epic Panel now supports the "Swimlanes"-configuration for the respective board. Just choose the "Epic" option to display swimlanes based on the linked parent issues.


  • Fixed a bug on the Breakout Board, where the "Expand/Collapse Issues" button was in the wrong state initially.


  • Added the possibility to create PI-iterations and their sprints with custom start times.

Known Bugs

  • When JQL-Filter is active, and a issue is dragged to another position within the independent swimlane, an error shows up but the drag and drop is still working.

Version 3.59.3

Security Update

Upgraded the bundled plugin InstaPrinta to version 2.11.1

Version 3.59.2

Bugfix Release

Fixed a bug that prevented the breakout board from loading when an issue was assigned to a sprint without an end-date.

Version 3.59.1

Bugfix Release

  • Users can now specify exact times for the start and end of iterations and PIs, with the times automatically converted to other users' local times based on their time zones.
    • This can cause issues with the ART Roadmap display, as this view currently assumes that all dates are in the same timezone. We are working on a fix for this issue.
  • "Ghost" issues were displayed on the Breakout Board when sprints had no end date; this has been fixed.
    • End date of the iteration is now used as a fallback when the sprint has no end date.
  • Fixed an issue where boards were not loading when there were many ART issues present.
  • Log Level has been adjusted so that the following log message is now classified as a warning instead of an error:
    • "0 sprint references were found for the sprint with id. Expected exactly one."

Version 3.59.0

Dependencies between issues of different ARTs on PI Roadmap

New Features

  • PI Roadmap: Now shows dependencies between issues of different ARTs.
  • Health Checks: Setting an admin user in the Agile Hive admin settings will now check if user has sufficient permissions for all projects in Agile Hive ("Browse project" and "Edit issues"). If not, this will result in a health check warning.

Improvement for PI Roadmap

  • The PI Roadmap will display a loading icon for each ART project individually so you won't have to wait until all issues are loaded.


  • Breakout Board: Fixed a bug that prevented the Breakout Board from loading, when sprints did not have an end date set.
  • PI Roadmap: Fixed a bug in Safari browser, where the PI Roadmap would not be displayed.

Known Issues

  • Breakout Board: Issues in sprints with no end date set, will be displayed transparent. A fix for this will be supplied within the next Agile Hive release

Version 3.58.0

Multiple ARTs on the Roadmap and new Health Check Item

New Features

  • Program Roadmap: Show additional ARTs on the roadmap to synchronize planing, show issue progress etc. Future release will also show dependencies between ART-issues.
  • The Health Check now validates if the Admin-user for the property calculation has Browse Project - and Edit Issues Permissions on all Projects in the Hive.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented apps that are bundled within the Agile Hive Suite from being disabled without affecting the other apps from working properly.

Known issues

  • Showing multiple ARTs with a lot of issues might impact the performance of the roadmap UI depending on your system

Version 3.57.0

Improved Roadmap, Reports and Project Hierarchies

Improvements for the Roadmap

  • You can now move issues into already occupied rows, moving the existing issues to the row below. Also resizing issues can move issues that would lead to overlapping into a new row.
  • New Drag and Drop Library for the roadmap (smoother dragging from sidebar, replacing existing issues, better date snapping)

Improvements for the ART and LS Report

  • The PI Overview widget will now show existing WSJF values for the displayed issues. The WSJF value is also used for the issues' order now.

New Quality of Life Feature for the Project Hierarchies

  • It is not longer necessary to unlink every project from its parent in order to move said parent to a new parent (e.g. move an entire ART to new Portfolio)

Last but not least, we changed the Agile Hive logos to a new design.

Version 3.56.1

Compatibility for Jira 9.5 and asynchronous Team Reports calculation

  • Compatibility changes for Jira versions up to 9.5
  • Team Report uses the same internal API for report values as ART and Large Solution reports

Burn-up Chart

  • The calculation of the Burn-up Chart got refactored
  • Can now handle changes of the start or end date of a Program Increment
  • Forecast calculation on Team level was fixed


  • Story points in the burn up charts were calculated differently than other reports
  • Deleted sprint would result in an exception during the Burn Up Chart calculation
  • Sprint Lozenges and Sprint dates would not be displayed anymore
  • It was allowed to set an inactive user as admin user in the Agile Hive settings


  • If the Agile Hive admin user currently set in your Jira instance is inactive, the health check will turn red and you will have to set a new admin user
  • In the current version the ART and Team Burn-up Chart reports could differ because Issues that have no Sprint set but a Program Increment are included in ART report but not in the Team report

Version 3.55.4

Introduced Caching and changed compatibility

New Feature

  • Introduces caching for some key entities like Program Increments, Layers and Hive


  • Fixed a problem, where archived issues would still appear on some of the reports. Agile Hive Hierarchy links are now removed from archived issues, to correctly calculate story point statistics.
  • Fixed a bug, where cache was not cleared when Manual Recalculation was triggered immediately after upgrade

Important Notes

  • A manual recalculation is required to correct the currently falsely visible issues.
  • With this bugfix, Jira Version 8.4.0 will be the earliest supported version.

Version 3.54.0

Report refactoring

  • Fixed the capacity calculation for all Reports
  • Fixed a bug, where creating or modifying independent issues on Team level did not change the ART Report statistics and was not displayed in the ART Report overview
  • Fixed a bug in the Business Value diagram in PI Progress on Team Report, where Objectives would not be displayed
  • Fixed the visibility of sprints in the Team Report, when the primary board of a project was changed
  • Fixed an error on the Breakout Board when one of the issue keys queried for Teams Involved was invalid
  • Fixed a bug that occurred on manual re-calculation when PIs have been deleted without deleting the corresponding sprints as well
  • Fixed a bug when upgrading to Team Burn-up charts, which could cause a NullPointerException when running the manual re-calculation

IMPORTANT: Easy Agile Programs migration was completely removed. To update from a version between Agile Hive 3.0.0 and 3.6.0 to the current version, an intermediate step to a version before 3.46 is required.

Version 3.53.0

Virtual Dependencies and Burn-Up Chart on Team Report

  • Program Board and Roadmap now show virtual dependencies between ART issues - derived from the child issues.
  • Burn-Up Chart is now available on Team Report.
  • Fixed a bug where Project Hierarchies cut off long lists of Team Projects in an ART.
  • Fixed a bug where the Teams Involved field was not set correctly, when multiple PIs had the same name.
  • Further restricted web services which should only be used by administrators.

Known bugs

  • Moving issues between projects in an ART is not reflected in Reports (except Burn-Up Chart) until (Manual) Re-calculation.


  • A Manual Re-calculation is required after this release.

Version 3.52.0

Jira 9 compatibility

AgileHive now officially supports Jira 9

This release contains new Custom Epic Panel, InstaPrinta, AutoPage and Agile Hive Plugin versions, to provide full compatibility with Jira 9

Version 3.51.0

JQL filtering on Roadmap and Project Hierarchies bug fix

New Feature

  • Roadmap: Added text field to filter issues by a custom JQL query


  • Project Hierarchies: Improved performance of project dropdown. That fixes a huge performance impact on jira systems with many projects.

Version 3.50.0

Choose custom dependency link and other improvements

New Feature

  • All Agile Hive boards: The issue link type used for Agile Hive dependencies can now be changed in the admin settings
  • Public REST-API: New endpoints for getting and updating the currently used dependency link type


  • Team Report: Sprints without issues are now shown
  • Team Report: Fixed a bug where sprints appeared in the wrong order
  • Breakout Board: Fixed rendering of dependency lines after it was added or removed
  • Program Report: Redundantly displayed Objectives in the PI Overview in the "ART-Issues without parent" section have been removed again
  • Agile Hive Navigation: Fixed width of menu entries container for versions > 8.21.x
  • Agile Hive settings: Fixed condition for the display of the save button when the admin user has changed
  • Dependency Link Dialog: Label of dependency directions is corresponding with the name of the inward/outward link

Version 3.49.1

Bugfix Release

Fixed bug which prevented the Program Board from loading.

Version 3.49.0

New Objective handling and other improvements

  • Team and ART objectives are now assigned to a report by their PI field. For existing objectives with an Objective link, an upgrade task will set the appropriate PI to display them correctly. Note: Since the changes made are visible in the issue history assigned to the user who installed the update, it is recommended to use a non-personal administrator account. Please add the PI field to the Objective's field screen.
  • The public REST API has been expanded. The full documentation can be viewed in your own Jira instance:
  • The issue key of a resolved ART issue was not crossed out if it was closed after the sprint
  • Unplanned ART issues in the Team Breakout Board sidebar are now showing their assigned PI
  • Team Report: The message displayed for PIs without planned issues has been corrected
  • Objectives were not displayed in the Report when the PI field had been translated
  • Burn Up Chart: Fixed Story Point calculation
  • Upgrade UI Libraries

Version 3.48.1

Breakout Board custom sorting for team and ART issues

New Feature:

  • Team and ART issues on the Breakout Board can now be sorted individually. The sort order can be changed uniquely per team and PI.

This is a hotfix, because 3.48.0 did not contain any changes.

Version 3.47.0

Bugfix Release


  • Fixed problems where Breakout Board did not load due to NullPointerExceptions
  • WSJF value will now be shown on all issue types used on ART level in the 'Unplanned Issues' section
  • Old 'Child of' link was not deleted when Agile Hive Link name has been changed when moving issues on the Breakout Board
  • Fixed milestone date display on the Roadmap when in different timezones
  • Get date picker format from 'System' -> 'Advanced Settings' for correct date preset when creating a new milestone


  • Dependency Library updated

Version 3.46.0

Burn-Up Chart on ART Report and other Improvements


  • Burn-Up Chart in the ART-Report showing actual burned Story Points, Forecast based on Velocity of last 5 PIs and the Ideal Progression which would be needed to fulfill the PI's workload in time.
  • The Burn-Up Chart will not show data for past PIs, starting from the day of the upgrade.
  • In the Reports, the header name of Issues that do not have a parent has been renamed from "Independent" to "Issues without parent".
  • Dependencies between Issues can be added and modified directly from the ART Roadmap.
  • On the Roadmap, show Dependency Criticality for Issues outside of the current PI in the Dependency Edit Dialog.
  • Expand and collapse all Features on the Breakout Board with a single click.


  • Upgrade Java Libraries to the latest Versions

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a Problem that could cause long installation times. This removes support for direct updates of Agile Hive >3.0.0 <3.6.0 to the latest Release – please take an intermediate step over 3.6.0.

Version 3.45.0

Security, Performance and Features

New Features:

  • Visualization of Dependencies on the Roadmap
  • Show Warning on the Program Board when an Issue is "Required By" an external Issue (was only shown for Issues with a "Requires" Link)
  • Fixes critical security vulnerability in AutoPage and InstaPrinta


  • Issues moved to the next PI and closed there were falsely counted as Done in both PIs
  • Fixed a potential Null-Pointer-Exception when manually re-generating Properties in a case where PIs were deleted and Team-Projects moved at the same time
  • Fixed a potential NoSuchElementException when viewing a Program Board with deleted Sprints
  • Fixed a Problem that prevented a Bulk-Move of Issues outside of the Hive
  • CustomFields showed spurious <p> Tags in the Description-Text


  • Improvements in the time taken to propagate Changes to the Reports when lots of Stories are changed in a row (ie. during a PI Planning)
  • REST Endpoints for in-situ analysis of System-Performance

Version 3.44.0

Improvement Release

Agile Hive:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the program board from loading when dependencies were moved to a new project
    • In case you miss dependencies, try manual re-calculation to renew the property with the updated issue key
  • Perform property generation only on necessary events like Story Point changes, linking, status changes etc.
  • Adjusted colors in PI Progress Reports


  • Fixed a bug that caused settings to stop loading once the third-party plugin 'Insight - Asset Management' was installed
  • Removed limitation on how much Confluence spaces could be searched for in AutoPage settings
  • Page Search now works when searching for pages inside a space whose space key that starts with a number

Version 3.43.0

Public REST-API, Skip Large Solution Layer in Full SAFe® and other Improvements

New Features:


  • Issues in Projects that are no longer in the Hierarchy don't break the Breakout Board
  • Issue-Summary in the Breakout Board "Extended View" uses the full available width
  • New Default-Filter in the Breakout Board Sidebar to hide special Issue Types
  • Better Suggestions in the Breakout Board's Link-Dialog
  • Simple-Mode Search for WSJF-Fields is possible again
  • AutoPage no longer renders the Confluence code macro without content
  • Fixed Description field not updating on AutoPage synced pages

Version 3.42.0

Easy milestone creation on the roadmap and bug fixes

  • On the roadmap, it is now possible to add milestones easily by hovering over the ART header bar or by clicking on the "Add Milestone" button.
  • Changing the outward description of the Agile Hive link now works as intended.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the creation of Kanban teams in an extended workflow.

Version 3.41.0

Issue Progress on Program Roadmap & Minor bugfixes

  • Issues on the Program Roadmap now show their current progress
    • progress is calculated by subtracting completed story points from the total SP
  • From now on we prevent creating iterations with the same start and end date in the UI, as this could lead to unexpected errors
  • We also fixed an issue that caused the Agile Hive sprint markers to disappear on some sprints after using the "Recreate missing sprints" feature

Version 3.40.0

Bugfix Release

  • This release fixes an issue that prevented the creation of Agile Hive team projects via the project templates

Version 3.39.0

Milestones on Program Roadmap

  • The Program Roadmap now contains markers for milestones
    • For milestones to work with the Roadmap, the new custom field "Milestone Date" has to be associated with the issue type. See for further information.
  • It is now possible to enable/disable the nightly cronjob and trigger the property updates manually
  • Changing a fibonacci value from 5 to 8 now works as expected
  • Sprints without start and end dates will no longer break the Program Board / Report Data generation

This version contains a migration. The upgrade might take a while.

If you encounter a problem during the upgrade, please refer to the following info article:

Version 3.37.0

Bugfix Release

  • This release fixes an issue that prevented the saving of primary boards in the Agile Hive project config screen

Version 3.36.0

Bugfix Release

  • The dropdown for the Primary Board selection displays an empty option if no Primary Board has been selected
  • Renaming Agile Hive customfields no longer removes the JQL searcher for this customfield
  • Recreating Agile Hive sprints removes the Agile Hive label from old sprints which would no longer be connected to the Program Increment
  • The "Create Issue" dialog will no longer display an error for the Program Increment field when creating a new ART-issue

Version 3.35.0

New Agile Hive Health Check

  • The new Health Check displays a warning when Teams in your ART have missing sprints or boards
  • Sprints created by Agile Hive can be identified in the Active Sprint or Backlog view by a new lozenge
  • The menu for issues displayed on the Agile Hive views (i.e. Breakout, Program and Roadmap) are now accessed on hover
  • Team name, load and capacity remain visible when you scroll down on the Breakout Board view
  • The bottom of Agile Hive views will stay visible if an Announcement Banner is displayed

Version 3.34.0

All New Program Increment and Teams Involved Field

  • The Program Increment and Teams Involved fields now automatically show Increments and Teams of an ART-Issue based on the linked Issues and the ART-Issue's planned Start- and End Date
  • The reason an ART-Issue is counted towards a Program Increment is highlighted in a tooltip-text on the lozenge in the ART-Issue
  • The new Searchers allow to search Team- and ART-Issues based on the new calculated Increments and Teams as well as manually entered Increments and Teams
  • Improvements to the Advanced JQL Search have been made and the Search Index of the Program Increment and Teams Involved Fields has been made more reliable and resilient against external changes (Renamed Teams, Modified PIs)
  • A re-index has to be made in order to update the calculated fields in the index

Version 3.33.0

New Features and improved performance

PI deletion

  • Users with the permission to manage sprints in all teams of an ART can now delete PIs
  • The user has the option to choose whether the Sprints for this PI will be deleted too, or if they should be preserved

Edit Issue in Breakout Board

  • Users can now edit an issue directly on the Breakout Board without having to leave the Board

Display options

  • Users can choose the width of the iterations on Program and Breakout Board
  • Additionally, users can select between a default and a two-line layout for the issues on the boards as well as on the roadmap
  • Settings are persisted in the browser's local storage

Improved Roadmap and Program Board performance

  • The roadmap now supports incremental loading of features depending on the visible time frame
  • The Program Board loading performance has increased due to asynchronous calculation of the feature's end date and dependencies
  • Users will have to run a re-Index after a plugin upgrade to calculate the Program Board data initially

Version 3.32.0

Permission check for Agile Hive Navigation and a few bugfixes

Permission check for the Agile Hive Navigation

* Only users with the appropriate Browse project permissions can view the menu entries for the Agile Hive Navigation menu

* "Restricted Project" will be shown if the user may not browse the project


* Teams Involved overlay appears only on selected team again

* Teams Involved icon is shown without hover

* Team Switcher can be accessed from the Program Board now, too

* Date format showing hours was not allowed for the Roadmap JQL. Date is now correctly formatted, so that the planned issues will be loaded.

Version 3.31.0

Bugfix Release

This release fixes an issue in the Team Breakout Board that caused a NullPointerException in some cases.

Version 3.30.0

Plan ART issues on a timeline with our new Program Roadmaps


  • Program Roadmaps for Agile Release Trains
    • Plan ART issues on a timeline via drag and drop
    • Schedule those issues into one or multiple PIs by resizing them within the roadmap
    • The PI field is automatically set in the planned ART issues


  • Please do a reindex after installation
  • Please add the two new fields ‘Planned Start Date’ & ‘Planned End Date’ to your Program screens


  • Improved team switcher navigation
  • Compatible with Jira 8.19


  • The ‘Team switcher’ can now be used by non-admin users
  • The ‘Teams involved’ in the Breakout Board view are now visible again

Version 3.26.0

Team Switcher and other improvements

New Feature

  • Quickly navigate to other Teams in your ART without having to re-select the view and the Program Increment with the new Team Switcher


  • Admins can now re-name the Agile Hive Link and its link directions, no longer being limited to "Parent/Child of"
  • See a PI's time span in the PI select on all Agile Hive views
  • The Breakout Board now shows the Assignee of an issue


  • Team Member-, Sprints- and Overall Progress widgets in the Reports no longer cut of their last element

Version 3.25.0

Bugfix & Improvement Release


  • Confluence's Jira Macro now displays 'Teams Involved' custom field value correctly.
  • Risk Workflow: renamed 'Assigned' to 'Accepted' in newly created project configurations.

*New Features*

  • Breakout Board: You can now filter the Team Backlog for parent Feature's issue keys.

Version 3.24.0

​Bugfix & Improvement Release

  • Set PI and Teams involved custom fields via Drag'n'Drop in the Breakout-Boards now correctly updates the index.
  • Hive Program Board and Team Breakout Board performance improvement.
  • ART Report: Velocity is now calculated based on last five PIs (instead of last 5 sprints).
  • "External" dependencies between tickets of two different ARTs do not need to have the Due Date set if they are planed info a Sprint.
  • Agile Hive views can be reloaded without reloading the complete page.
  • EAP Migration Module is now disabled by default.
  • Various UI improvements.

Version 3.23.0

​Bugfix Release

New admin section "Settings"

  • Configure user used to refresh the report data with a cron job during night
  • Solves a bug where Large Solution and Portfolio reports showed no data due to the cron job being unable to access issues in those projects
  • Leaving the user-selection empty prevents cron job from running, but refreshing after re-indexing or regularly update of report data is not affected

Fixed navigation for Agile Hive views

  • Navigation doesn't show Large Solution reports when there is no such layer configured
  • Navigation now works with Essential SAFe configuration
  • Configuration for the main Kanban Board for Program, Solution or Portfolio will be coming up

Prevented stack overflow on Reports data update

  • When issues formed a "child/parent of" loop (e.g. BH-1 -> BHM-1 -> BH-1) update of the report data ran into a stack overflow exception
  • If a loop is detected Report data might not be correct until loop the is fixed. Loops are already indicated in the Context panel in issue detail view.

Version 3.22.0

Bugfix Release

  • Fixed broken navigation links
  • In places where Story Points are shown, rounded multiple digits after the decimal point to one digit

Version 3.21.0

Performance and new Agile Hive navigation

  • Improved performance for the Breakout Board on Team level
  • New navigation for the most commonly used Agile Hive views and boards
  • Reloading a page now keeps the selected Program Increment

Version 3.20.0

Bugfix Release

  • JQL search for Program Increment failed due to a mismatch between the index and the options in the database
  • Sprint on the Breakout Board is now editable as long as the sprint is not closed
  • Feature completion on the Program Board now considers iteration dates instead of sprint dates
  • Projects without Boards will no longer break the reports but will just show empty report
  • If multiple features share an external dependency, this issue will no longer be displayed multiple times

Version 3.19.0

Feature Filters in the Breakout Board & Improvements

New Feature

  • Feature Filter: Filter the Breakout Board view to only show issues that belong to a selected ART issue.


  • Performance upgrade for the Breakout Board user experience.
  • In some circumstances a team board with Custom Epic Panel enabled could not be loaded, because Issues were not visible to the user.

Version 3.18.0

Bugfix & Improvements


  • Previously deleted status will no longer break reports calculation, which could led to EAP migration failures as well


  • Renamed the "Program" tab in the Breakout Board sidebar to "ART"
  • ART tab in Breakout Board sidebar now displays all open issues from the related ART project

Version 3.17.0

External Dependencies on the Program Board, Auto-Plan-Parent and Improvements.


Program Board

  • External dependencies: Issues that do not belong to an ART have a dependency with an issue of the ART are now displayed


  • Auto Plan Parent: If a team issue is scheduled whose father has not yet been scheduled, the father issue is now automatically scheduled as well



  • The "Overall Portfolio-Epic Progress" was not calculated correctly and always 0%


  • Due to different start and end dates of sprints within an iteration, the colors of the dependencies were sometimes displayed incorrectly
  • Planned features that were removed from the board were not displayed correctly in the Unplanned Issues sidebar as long as the full text search was active


  • Rules & their child rules are now aleays executed in the correct order.
  • The execution of rules via post functions in combination with the function "Execute as user" were not applied correctly. The rule was still executed under the currently logged-in user.

Version 3.15.0

Several bugfixes in Release

Breakout Board

  • Issues that have been in a previous sprint will now be shown in the Breakout Board Backlog
  • After resetting the Breakout Board Backlog search field, a new search can be started with the previously entered search string

EAP Migration Wizard

  • Deleted boards will no longer prevent EAP Programs to be migrated to an Agile Hive Program

Version 3.14.0

New features and improvements

New Features

  • Breakout Boards
    • Quick filters: issues in the Breakout-Board can now be filtered
    • New fulltext search: search for unplanned issues more effectively
    • Optimized loading of issues in the sidebar
    • By default the swimlanes of other teams are minimized
  • General
    • New project template for Kanban Teams
    • Huge performance boost for Portfolio, Large Solution and Program reports
    • Top navigation menu: projects are now sorted alphabetically


  • Non-Program issues won't show up as Feature lanes in the Breakout Board (happened after move operations)
  • Clicking the "Create PI" Button multiple times won't create the PI over and over again
  • PIs can still be edited, even when their Sprints have been deleted in the meantime

Known Problems:

  • The Program-Search in the Breakout-Board sometimes does not update correctly.

Note: The Installation of the app might take longer than expected (up to 3 minutes), because upon installation an initial dataset for the optimized reports is pre-calculated.

Version 3.13.0

New features and improvements

New Features

  • Issues in the Breakout Board Backlog now have a lozenge which shows their related feature. The lozenge allows jumping to this feature's swimlane on the team's Breakout Board to easily drag and drop related issues on the board.
  • A feature's swimlane displays a new icon, which shows other teams working on the same feature. Clicking on a team's name jumps to the related feature swimlane in this team.


  • Project Hierarchies Webservice now rejects invalid hierarchy configurations.
  • A faulty date comparison on the last day of the current Sprint prevented issues on the Breakout Board to be editable (drag, drop, remove)

Version 3.12.0

Improvements and bugfixes


* The width of the Sprints in Team Reports is now responsive to show more content on bigger screens

* Jira Footer in Agile Hive views was removed to prevent two scroll bars and show more content

* Some UI improvements in the Breakout Board

* UI improvements in Dependencies dialog

* "Move to top of Backlog" on already done issues has been renamed to "Remove from board"


* Agile Hive Link validation failed on some boards

* ART and Large Solution Reports failed to load when issues were linked that belonged to projects outside of the hive

* Values from select fields could be removed on some instances, which would lead to errors in the program execution

* NullPointerException on saving in Team Member widget in the Report view was prevented, when a user had been removed from Jira

Version 3.11.0

Access Team Backlog and manage dependencies in the Breakout Board

New Features

  • Access the team's backlog from the Breakout Board and plan your Sprints by dragging and dropping items from the backlog onto the board
  • View and manage all dependencies for issues on the Breakout Board with a single click


  • Fixed issue with Team Members Widget when users have been deleted or removed from Jira
  • On some systems, the dropdown component for PI selection could be cleared which resulted in errors
  • We added issue keys to the issues in the Breakout Board view and "In Progress" status is displayed now as well
  • Improved usability of drag and drop interaction in the Breakout Board

Version 3.10.0

Remove issues from Breakout Board and other improvements

  • New Features
    • Remove issues from the Breakout Board an put them back on top of your backlog
    • Sprint names created from Agile Hive during PI creation can now easily be associated to teams
  • Improvements
    • Program Backlog on Breakout Board is now sorted by Rank instead of WSJF
    • Large Solution Reports now sum up data from PIs which have been started during the same day correctly
    • Date pickers in the PI creation dialog now allow dates in the past again
    • Shorten long issue titles on Report and Breakout Board views
    • The Custom Epic Panel Plugin now handles multi byte characters which led to boards not showing
    • "Agile Hive Report" menu has been renamed to "Agile Hive"
    • Fixed Javascript error while creating new issues from a Kanban board
    • Removed possibly wrong workflow and issue type preview pictures during project creation

Version 3.9.0

Drag and Drop issues in the Breakout Board view

  • Drag and Drop issues in the Breakout Board view
    • Plan the contents of your Sprints in the Breakout Board
    • Change an issue's Sprint or Agile Hive Parent by simply dragging and dropping that issue around on the team's Breakout Board
  • Bugfixes
    • Iterations-Header on Program- and Breakout Board will no longer cover the navigation's dropdown
  • Improvements
    • Compatibility for Jira 8.14

Version 3.7.0

Bugfix Release


  • EAP Migration Wizard: When the "Migrate now" Button was clicked multiple times, the Migration Wizard could create more PIs than expected by migrating everything multiple times.
  • EAP Migration Wizard: When the planned Start- or End-Dates of Sprints were not perfectly aligned, multiple Iterations were created and every Team's Sprints were placed in it's own Iteration

Version 3.6.0

New Features & Improvements

New Feature

  • Scheduled features can be removed from teams


  • Subtasks are no longer shown in the Agile Hive views
  • Within the Create Screen: Changing the issue type no longer deletes the PI or Sprint information

Bug Fix

  • 400 error when opening the breakout board from the program level

Version 3.5.0

Agile Hive 3.5 - New Features & Improvements

New Features

  • During the Breakout Session teams can now assign Features to them with the new Drag and Drop function from the Program Backlog and start breaking them down immediately
  • In order for this feature to work, the admin will have to add the new custom field "Teams involved" to the Program issue screen
  • The Agile Hive custom fields "Program Increment" and "Teams involved" are now supported in the JQL Search

Bugs fixed

  • The Easy Agile Programs Migration will no longer fail, when sprints created by Easy Agile Programs have been deleted
  • Cost of Delay can now be calculated when one of User business value, Time criticallity or RROE are 0

UI Improvements

  • Better visualized team name on the Agile Hive views

Version 3.3.0

Agile Hive 3.3 - New Features & Jira 8.13 compatibility

- Features -


  • Edit future Program Increments

Breakout Board

  • Features can now be broken down into stories directly in the breakout board

Portfolio Report

  • The Portfolio Overview table has been expanded with the following three columns:
    • 1. Epic Owner
    • 2. WSJF
    • 3. Status

- Compatibility -

  • Agile Hive is now compatible with Jira 8.13

Version 3.1.1

Bugfix Release - ​This fixes a bug where no new projects could be created

  • This release fixes a bug where no new projects could be created when one of the original Jira statuses (Open, In Progress, Reopened, Resolved or Closed) had been renamed prior to the app's installation.
  • Agile Hive workflows were not created due to missing statuses, so project creation failed with an error message. Agile Hive now ensures that all needed statuses are created instead on relying on them being present on the Jira system.
  • The plugin has to be deactivated and reactivated after upgrading for the workflows to be created.

Version 3.1.0

Agile Hive 3 - All new PI Planning: Team Breakout & Program Boards + PI Creation

All new PI Planning

  • Migration Wizard
    • Easy Agile Programs is no longer needed (the costs of Agile Hive are therefore lowered up to 50%)
    • Migrate easily from Easy Agile Programs to Agile Hive 3
  • Breakout Board
    • View all sprints of all teams of the desired PI
    • Manage capacities & visualize dependencies
    • Features and other ART issues are displayed as swimlanes
  • Program Board
    • Automatically generated view - no maintenance needed
    • View when ART issues will be delivered during a PI
    • Visualized dependencies
  • Program Increments
    • Create PIs for each of your ARTs
    • Sprints are being created automatically for all teams in your ART
    • New PI custom field for Teams & ARTs

Version 2.28.0

Improvement & Bug Fix Release

The Following Bugs have been fixed:

  • Fix summing of Story-Points in the Team-Panel of the Art-Report
  • Fix treatment of Objectives with no "Uncommitted" Field on the Screen
  • Fix Problem with exporting the Business Value Custom-Fields to the Jira-Macro in Confluence

Version 2.27.0

Improvement & Bug Fix Release

View the full release notes here.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed wrong calculation of “Days passed”
  • Fixed a massive Heap-Memory consumption bug
  • Fixed an StackOverflow error in the Portfolio Report
  • Accessing an Issue which does not participate in an AutoPage rule sends an unnecessary HTTP request to the the Jira-Server which results in an HTTP-Error 400


  • New InstaPrinta Templates
  • Added a loading indicator
  • The projects icons of the teams in the ART-Reports now link to the Agile Hive Team Reports

Project configuration improvements (only affects new installations)

  • The issue type Enabler is added to the context of the Story Point field and is now capable of using Story Points
  • Agile Hive fields are now being created without a description to avoid a bug where Jira adds unexpected


  • Improved sorting order of all WSJF fields in Agile Hive screens
  • The field “User business Value” has been removed from all objective screens

Version 2.26.2

Bugfix release

Fixes a bug in the new Portfolio level Reports

Version 2.25.0

Bug Fix: Incorrect sprints shown in the Agile Hive Reports

In rare cases, incorrect sprints were shown in the Agile Hive reports.

Version 2.24.1

Bugfix Release

  • Reduce Logging in Case of missing or expired License
  • Fix (harmless but annoying) Exceptions during Installation

This page was last edited on 03/13/2025.