- Created by Seibert Media employee, last modified by Administrator on Aug 23, 2017
Microblogging for Confluence
Share information, have conversations, write messages and updatesSee the documentation for your Release
Release Notes 3.0
Hotfix release improving sidebar functionality and notification emails
- Userpicker behaves faulty when searching for author within sidebar
- PDF attachements rendered incorrectly within notification emails
Bugfix release for configured streams
- Fixes a bug, which removed a previously configured stream of the users once a new space had been created.
- Folding of posts was not proper
We improved the microblog sidebar, micropost view and the search functionality.
- We are now Data Center ready!
- Improved sidebar
- New navigation tab for single or multiple topics
- Summary of personal streams for relevant navigation topics
- Improved post display
- Notifications of new posts with the possibility to open them
- Display posts limited to a maximum height with the possibility to fully display them
- Adds a colon after mentioning a user
- Improved search function
- Filter posts by author
- Filter items within a certain period
- Clear indication when search filters are active
- Improved notification function
- Daily summary post can sent at a time adjusted to match the reader's time zone
- Subscription for your own stream
- Subscription for individual spaces and topics
- Subscription for all spaces and topics
- Title removed from the macro
Topic Management
- Migrate posts to other topics and spaces
- Move topics and their posts to other spaces
- Topic sorting
- Incomplete search index for older microposts
- "Like" Button sometimes ignores users language
- Max. micropost setting is sometimes ignored
The last 500 microposts will be indicated - this may take some time. To see all microposts, the whole systems needs to be reindicated, which causes a downtime of Confluence.
During the first installation of the 2.x version, all existing microposts will be migrated to belong to default topics. This migration process may take quite some time. Please refer to the administration guide for more information.
Also the macro "microblog" doesn't exist anymore. All its features are included in the macro "Microblog timeline".
- No labels
This content was last updated on 08/23/2017.
This content hasn't been updated in a while. That doesn't have to be a problem. Some of our pages live for years without becoming obsolete.
Old content can be incorrect, misleading or outdated. Please get in contact with us via a form on this page, our live chat or via email with content@seibert.group if you are in doubt, have a question, suggestion, or want changes from us.