Please note that we no longer offer support for this app as it has been removed from the Marketplace.
Agile Decider
Create & make decisions, polls, or votes and document them in a comprehensive register.
Find detailed information about the decision methods in Agile Decider.
Decision Overview
See all decisions and navigate to vote or see the results.
The table contains all decisions with some further details and links to vote or see the results. You may also edit or delete decisions created by you.
The vote status shows if you voted completely in a decision. The yellow checkmark indicates that you haven't voted for all options, this might occur for example if new options were added.
Change decision status.
Set the status of your decision to IN PROGRESS to indicate that voting is ongoing or DECIDED if the decision has been made.
Create a Decision
Create a new decision and add options to it.
Choose a name and a description for your decision. Select the decision method and add multiple options that users can vote on.
Please note: Creating a decision without a name or without options is not possible.
Dark feature: You might use html markup to format you descriptions (at your own risk).
Add your Vote
Vote for options within a decision.
In decisions with the opposition query as decision method you are able to add your resistance against each option. You may choose from a range starting with "no resistance" (0) up to "high resistance" (5) for each option.
In majority vote decisions pick your favorite option.
Please note: Your votes are only saved, if you click the "Send" button.
You can withdraw your vote with the "Delete votes" button.
Decision Results
See all voting results and see which option was chosen.
In decisions with the opposition query as decision method the results are the sum of all resistance votes (0 - 5) per option. The option(s) with the lowest resistance is marked with a green checkmark.
In majority vote decisions the option(s) with the most votes is marked with a green checkmark.
Add Decision Results to a Confluence Page (macro)
Use a macro to insert decision results to a confluence page.
Copy the decision id from the "decision overview". Move to your target page and type in the macro /agiledecidermacro. Finally paste the copied decision id in the macro configuration.
Right now the creator of a decision is the only person with extended permissions.
These permissions are
- edit or delete a decision
- change the status of a decision
- view voting results in status IN PROGRESS