Submit a Structured License Request Now

Please fill out the required form

We receive many requests when it comes to license offers. This form will help you quickly and easily submit a request. 

A form may seem more inconvenient than a personal conversation. However in the process, questions are enormously reduced, which allows us to process your request faster and more effectively. Please take the time to fill out the structured inquiry. Once this is complete, we will be able to select the perfect contact person for you and clarify the next steps in the process.

Direct link to this request form for smartphones

Optional step: Provide detailed information for quotation preparation

We have an optional form that can be used to speed up the preparation of quotations. It's quite dry in terms of content, but many large companies have precise requirements for incoming offers. This form allows you to store and share details (exactly how the address should be formatted or which transaction number should be mentioned, etc.) so that we may integrate them directly in the offer. This will speed up the process, without having to ask too many additional questions. Thank you in your support in making the quotation process faster and simpler. 

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This content was last updated on 06/08/2021.

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