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Product Owner / Consultant

Area of expertise

Sarah Schmitt-Bär has been with //SEIBERT/MEDIA since 2013. She began as a sales consultant specializing in Confluence services, and has been running training sessions and workshops since 2015. In 2016, she took over the role of product owner in a development team, focusing on how customers can implement extranets and quality management in Confluence. She leads customers through the entire process as a strategic partner, from the first workshops, to the budgeting and the conceptual design phase, through to implementation and launch.

Skills and Expertise

  • Atlassian Licenses
  • Initial consultations for Atlassian Confluence
  • Specializing in Confluence:
    • Training courses to become a Certified Confluence Professional
    • Knowledge management
    • Social intranets with Linchpin
    • Extranet solutions
    • Quality management


Selection of clients

  • B.Braun Melsungen AG
  • DER Touristik GmbH
  • REWE Systems GmbH


since 2016: Product Owner of a Confluence development team at //SEIBERT/MEDIA 
since 2013:
 Sales Consultant at //SEIBERT/MEDIA 
2012 - 2013: Trainee Marketing & Sales AT Lyncker & Theis GmbH (Brainyoo Ltd.)


2008 - 2012: Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Bachelor of Science - Economics, focusing on marketing and management, and finance and accounting - thesis available in the Department of Marketing.


Name: Sarah Schmitt-Bär
Position: Product Owner
Employee since: 2013

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