
Release in October 2023: Permission Settings

What's new and improved?

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest feature, designed to strengthen your control over sensitive content and enhance your user experience. With this update, you can now restrict access to templates and checklists based on group memberships, ensuring that your valuable information remains in the right hands.


Access Restrictions for Templates & Checklists

User-Defined Access Restrictions: Users can now take control of template and checklist access by specifying which groups can view them. Access will only be granted to users who are part of at least one of the selected groups. Importantly, existing checklists will remain unaffected by these permission changes in the template.


Comprehensive Access Control: Regardless of how users attempt to access a checklist or template, whether through direct navigation or other means, if it is restricted and their user profile is not associated with any of the restricted groups, they will be unable to access any information related to the checklist or template.

Public Link Consideration:

It's important to note that when a checklist or template is accessed through a publicly shared link, the permission restrictions implemented will not apply. Users should exercise caution when distributing public links to restricted content.

Atlassian Ecosystem Integration: This feature seamlessly integrates within the Atlassian ecosystem, ensuring a smooth and secure experience for users within the platform.

We believe that this feature will greatly enhance your ability to control access to sensitive content while providing a more secure and efficient user experience. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team or read the documentation to this feature.

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This page was last edited on 04/01/2024.