We help you sell your products!

Here you will find the most important information about the requirements for a partnership with //SEIBERT/MEDIA. Pop in your details below and we get back to you as soon as possible. Any more questions? Have a look at our FAQ or send us a quick message.

Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ

Let's partner up!

Contact us via the form so we can talk about a partnership.

We ♥ our partners!

And that's exactly why it's worth working with us. We offer many advantages and support for selling our products. However, a partnership is always based on reciprocity, so that cooperations regarding your products are also conceivable.

From onboardings and lead submissions to providing sales enablement and marketing materials for our products, we want to offer you, as a partner, as much help as possible. More information about the benefits of being a partner can be found here.

There are none. We believe that our actions must be guided by the principles of openness and trust so we only ask to honour these values as well. Of course, a partnership only makes sense if there is commitment from both sides, which is why we appreciate it when our partners tackle joint projects such as roadshows in addition to selling our products.

Any official Atlassian Partner or professional service provider for intranets & project management software can be a //SEIBERT/MEDIA partner. 

There are no restrictions in terms of company size; we also appreciate small companies especially if they have particular specialisations.
So do not hesitate to contact us!

Companies that are already our partners can be found here.

We at //SEIBERT/MEDIA develop apps to promote teamwork. Our capacity for introducing new projects is very limited and we have reached the point where we can no longer provide the services we need. For this reason we want to involve partners who carry out customer projects for us. This will allow us to increase and scale the reach of our products.

Sure. Feel free to make offers to your customers that fit your company profile and your existing project structure. Some partners have been able to sell intranet projects with higher budgets although it included more strategic and conceptual design work upfront. That is totally fine.

As soon as you have become an official //SEIBERT/MEDIA partner, our Partner Community will be available to you. There you will find all relevant information about being a partner, sales enablement, marketing materials and much more.

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This content was last updated on 12/13/2022.

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