You can change and add content to the Confluence pages that were generated by AutoPage. AutoPage remains updating the placeholders of the generated page.
The template is only used when generating a page for the first time. When you make changes to the template after pages have been generated, this will not update any existing generated pages.
If you want to apply these template changes to the already generated pages, you can click on the "Recreate Pages" Button in the rule config. AutoPage will then generate a new Confluence page based on the edited template. If you are using the Postfunction Trigger you must delete the generated pages and remove the links to these generated pages from the Jira issue.
Placeholder - Issue Rules
Default fields
The format for Jira default field placeholders is $#{Fieldname}.
Be careful when using field names - they are case-sensitive.
Supported issue fields (please note the spelling and case):
Issue Placeholder |
$#{Assignee} $#{Description} $#{Summary} $#{AffectedVersions} $#{ComponentObjects} $#{Created} $#{Creator} $#{DueDate} $#{FixVersions} $#{Environment} $#{Id} $#{IssueTypeObject} $#{Key} $#{Labels} $#{ParentObject} $#{PriorityObject} $#{ProjectObject} $#{Reporter} $#{ResolutionObject} $#{SecurityLevelId} $#{Status} $#{StatusObject} $#{Updated} $#{Votes} $#{SubTaskObjects} |
The following fields are not supported: the fields for time tracking $#{Estimate}, $#{OriginalEstimate}, $#{TimeSpent}.
Wiki-markup is used to format the Description. This is why it cannot be used inline and forces a line break.
Since AutoPage VERSION 2.7.0 User Custom Fields, Date Custom Fields and Issue Status are getting automatically rendered as Confluence macros. The equivalent macros (e.g. user mention macro, date picker macro and status macro) will be rendered on your confluence page if you used the placeholders on your template. This also features a user notification as it is also the case if you mention some user on a page.
Custom Fields
The format for custom field placeholders is $#{CF_CustomFieldName} and you can reference the custom fields using their custom field names.
Alternatively, you can use the custom field ID in a placeholder $#{customfield_CustomFieldId}.
Eample: $#{CF_Location} or $#{customfield_10100}
Supported custom field types:
Field type |
Checkboxes Date Time Picker Date Picker Group Picker (single group) Labels Number Field Radio Buttons Select List (multiple choices) Select List (single choice) Text Field (multi-line) Text Field (single line) User Picker (single user) Version Picker (single version) Query Issues Custom Fields (third party app) |
The Project Picker custom field type is not supported.
Text fields containing wiki-markup will be formatted appropriately.
Placeholder - Sprint Rules
Default properties
The format for sprint placeholders is the same as for rules with an issue trigger: $#{placeholder}.
Be careful when using these placeholders - they are case-sensitive.
Supported sprint properties (please note the spelling and case):
Sprint Placeholder | Short Description |
$#{sprint_id} | This is the the identifier of this sprint. It is counted upwards for each created sprint in your board and can be used to filter issues by JQL. |
$#{sprint_name} | This is the name you gave your sprint. |
$#{sprint_goal} | This represents the goal you've added to your sprint. |
$#{start_date} | The start date represents the date when the sprint was started. This property is empty as long as you've not started your sprint. |
$#{end_date} | The end date represents the date when the sprint should be completed. This property is empty as long as you've not started your sprint. |
$#{complete_date} | The complete date represents the date when the sprint really was completed. This property is empty as long as you've not closed your sprint. |
$#{sprint_state} | The sprint state can have three values: FUTURE (created but not started yet), ACTIVE (sprint was started) and CLOSED (sprint was completed) |
$#{board_id} | This is the identifier of the board the sprint lives in. It can be used to filter issues by JQL. |
Jira issue
Confluence template
Generated page
The Custom Field Picture is a text field (multi-line) with active wiki-markup. Autopage does not currently support direct embedding of attachments.