Migration kickoff

How migration works

Migration is a headache for many people. After all, it is an important milestone on the way to the Atlassian Cloud, if not the most important. Therefore, it’s important to carefully prepare well for the migration process. With that said, you don't need to panic or procrastinate over fears that something might go wrong: knowledge and information can prevent (almost) all worries!

That’s why we’ve put together an overview of the migration process and how different responsibilities are divided between you, the customer, and Seibert Media. In the end, hopefully you realize that you've been worrying over nothing, because with just three steps, you can safely take off into the Atlassian Cloud!

3, 2, 1 - the countdown to a successful migration


  • Who is involved from the customer side?
    • Project Managers
    • Individuals who can test the content
    • Technical contact individuals
  • Appointments
    • Next appointment: An update meeting after setting up user access and system assessment
    • Regular appointments, if necessary bi-weekly
  • Billing hours (monthly or according to project sections)
    • Monthly billing, also provides an overview of hours
  • Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

More about Atlassian Cloud

Shortlink to this page: https://seibert.biz/migrationkickoff


Luisenstraße 37-39, 65185 Wiesbaden

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This page was last edited on 06/25/2024.