- Created by Administrator, last modified by Seibert Media employee on Feb 05, 2020
Table of content
General Configuration
Maximum height of Microblog post
To keep your microblog "micro" you are able to give a maximum height for every micropost and reply.
Every content higher than the configured value is cropped and can be unfolded.
The height is configured in pixel (not signs or words), because this would not work for images.
Post with cropped content.
Post with cropped content.
New in 4.4: Delete posts with replies
By default you can't delete microposts as soon as there are replies to it. By checking the "Allow deletion" option, it's possible for users to delete their own microposts even if answers already exist.
Topic Configuration
All microposts belong to a topic to improve the information structure of your microblog.
In the Confluence administration you can configure the topic structure under Microblog → Topics.
Create a topic
All topics belong to a Confluence space (this is important for attachments and permissions).
You create a topic by selecting a space and a name
You need to have at least one topic to be able to use the microblog.
Edit a topic
You may change the name of a topic by clicking the little pen in the "Actions" column.
Move a topic
You are able to move a topic and all its microposts to another space.
- Click "Move topic" and a dialog appears
- Select a space and click "Move topic" again
If the target space has different permission than the old one, some users might not be able to edit or write new microposts.
Depending on the number microposts within the topic, this operation may take some time.
Dissolve a topic
If you want to remove a topic there are two ways of dealing with the microposts within this topic.
- Click "Dissolve topic" and dialog appears (only if there are microposts within this topic)
- Choose how to deal with the included microposts
- Remove the topic and all its containing microposts
- Keep the microposts and move them to another topic
- Choose a topic to move the containing microposts to
- Click "Dissolve topic" again
If the target topic is in a different space with different permission than the old one, some users might not be able to edit or write new microposts.
Depending on the number microposts within the topic, the move operation may take some time.
Permission Configuration
In earlier versions of the Microblogging add-on, the permission to post or answer was directly tied to the permission to add pages to the respective space. Beginning with version 2.5, as an admin you now can select, which space permission you want the microblogging to be tied to:
- Permission to add pages to the respective space (default)
- Permission to add comments in the respective space
- Permission to add blog posts to the respective space
The setting you choose here will apply to all spaces within your Confluence instance.
Mail notification

The daily digest job
There is a scheduled job for sending out the microblog daily digest.
It runs every hour (the same interval the users can choose) and sends an email to every user who configured this hour to receive their digest.
- No labels
This content was last updated on 02/05/2020.
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