About Martin Seibert

Martin Seibert started //SEIBERT/MEDIA in 1996. He is fond of helping teams collaborate with software. Trust, openness and transparency are core elements of his communication and partnership approaches. Learn more about him at http://seibert.biz/martinseibert 

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A fast paced list of ideas for Atlassian partners and their customers about how to improve their own business, their bottom line and deliver more customer value with best practices tested in the field.

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This Pecha Kucha presentation will summarize what we have learned from customers as an Atlassian Partner and from working together with other Partners. How to sell licenses? What is more attractive to which employees in what type of organizations? How can you deliver more value to your customers while improving your bottom line? How should Data Center best be offered and which paths are best for upselling?

This session is mainly for Partners, but customers may also be interested.

Slides (Link)

This page is still evolving. You can set a bookmark or subscribe to it. We'll update it with slides and a recording in the days and weeks to come.

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This content was last updated on 04/05/2019.

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Old content can be incorrect, misleading or outdated. Please get in contact with us via a form on this page, our live chat or via email with content@seibert.group if you are in doubt, have a question, suggestion, or want changes from us.