This page is intended to provide a brief overview of the features of Linchpin Hey.
- Visit or download the mobile app (iOS & Android)
- Login and signup → Apple ID & Google login, e-mail & password
- Start your workspace from scratch or with demo content
- Upload a logo
- Change your workspace's name
- Define the color scheme of your intranet based on default colors or hex code
- Preview what the theme will look like for web and mobile
- Invite users based on e-mail address
- Provide administrative access
- See a list of pending invites
- See a list of people who have already joined the workspace
- Revoke invitations
- Copy personal invitation links
- Show news on the dashboard
- Create news
- Upload images
- Insert images from Unsplash with the built-in image search
- Insert links
- Define teaser images for the dashboard and news magazines
- Show a list of news → news magazines
- Save news article as drafts
- React to news articles (like and comment)
- Activate the Confluence Cloud and/or Jira Cloud integration
- Show last updated pages on the dashboard
- Show updated Jira issues on the dashboard
- Activate the Google calendar integration
- Show today's meetings on the dashboard
- Create a collection of useful apps
- Let the Launchpad automatically fetch the app's metadata (title and logo)
- Access your favorite apps with only one click
- Open the apps in new tabs
- Create your own events
- Sign up for events
- Sign out of events
- See all upcoming events
- View all events created by you
- Display the social timeline on your dashboard
- Create your own posts
- Comment on posts
- React on posts and comments
- Use links and text formatting
- Copy direct links to posts
- React to your colleagues' content
- Choose from a variety of reactions/emojis
- React to news, comments & posts
- Works on web and mobile
Experience modern collaboration on-the-go. At your desk or in your pocket - because we know that not everyone works in an office.
Linchpin Hey is available for Android, iOS and web.
This content was last updated on 07/28/2021.
This content hasn't been updated in a while. That doesn't have to be a problem.
Some of our pages live for years without becoming obsolete.
Old content can be incorrect, misleading or outdated. Please get in contact with us
via a form on this page, our live chat or via email with if you are
in doubt, have a question, suggestion, or want changes from us.