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Consultant/Project Manager

Thorsten Brüggemann has a post-graduate degree in German Studies and is a communications expert. He has been with our company since 2007 as a project manager and online marketing specialist. His area of expertise includes internal and external company communications, and regularly petitions for a standard approach to be developed. As well as producing documents and content for our customers, he is available in Rheinhesse as a project manager and consultant. He is also responsible for online marketing for many of our customers.


Selection of clients

  • Stepstone Deutschland
  • Edenred Deutschland
  • Horstmann Group
  • SGS Institut Fresenius
  • Bundesarbeitgeberverband Chemie BAVC
  • Beilstein-Institut
  • Merck KGaA
  • Atlas Material Testing Technology LLC
  • PC-Ware Information Technologies AG
  • Welt der Werkzeuge
  • Jamie Oliver Dinner
  • Possehl Spezialbau GmbH
  • DFT Deutsche Flächen-Technik Industrieboden GmbH
  • //Gartentechnik.communications GmbH


since 2007: //SEIBERT/MEDIA GmbH, Wiesbaden - Project manager and in the online marketing team 
2002 - 2007: Bamberger Rundfunk GmbH & Co. Studiobetriebs-KG, Bamberg - Media consulting, marketing and events
2000 - 2007: SG Eschenbacher Eltmann, Eltmann (Unterfranken) - Leader of the media and marketing department of the Volleyball Bundesliga.


1996 - 2002: Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg - Post-graduate degree in German Studies, with a focus on communication science and political science.



Name: Thorsten Brüggemann
Position: Consultant / Project Manager
Employee since: 2007

Social Media: Xing


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