Welcome to the Microblog!
This guide was created to help you with the setup of the Microblog. See what can be configured and how you can do it.
For more information, be sure to view the Microblog documentation.
Installation & licensing
Please refer to Atlassian's installation instructions:
Installation via the Universal Plugin Manager
Step-by-step instructions
Log in to your Confluence instance as an administrator.
- Open the Confluence general administration.
- Click on the Find new apps link in the sidebar.
- Click on the Find new apps link in the sidebar.
- Enter "Microblogging" in the search field (marked by the text "Search the Marketplace"), then press Enter.
- Click on "Free trial" to test the app for 30 days, or click on "Buy now" if you want to purchase a license for Microblogging for Confluence.
- You'll be prompted to register for or log into MyAtlassian.
- Microblogging for Confluence will be automatically downloaded and installed after you log-in.
General configuration
There are three main settings for administrators.
Set up the maximum height of Microblog posts
You can limit microblog posts in height. Microposts which extend your height limit will display a Show more button.
Input the height limit (in pixels) you wish to apply.
Please input only the number ( 100
If you do not want microposts to be "cut-off", leave this field empty.
Allow users to delete posts with replies
By default, a micropost can't be deleted after someone replied to it.
If you want to allow your users to delete posts with replies, activate the Allow delete checkbox.
Under Permission type you can select the user permissions needed to reply to microposts and to create new microposts.
You can choose between following options:
Add pages
Only users with permission to add pages to a space will be able to create and reply to microposts. This is the default setting.
Add comments
Only users with permission to add comments to a space will be able to create and reply to microposts.
Add blog posts
Only users with permission to add blog posts to a space will be able to create and reply to microposts.
It does not matter whether users have received those permissions individually or via a group.
Embedding a microblog
Create topics
You can create topics in two different ways.
Create topics inside Confluence administration
As an administrator, navigate to Confluence administration > Microblog > Topics.
You will see a Create new microblog topic in a space field. Enter the name of the space in which you want to create the topic, then enter the name for your new topic. Click on the Save button.
Create topics as a space administrator by using space tools
As a space administrator, navigate to Space tools > Microblog.
You will see a Create new microblog topic field. Enter the name for your new topic. Click on the Save button.
Embed the Microblog Timeline macro
To create your first Microblog timeline, you must include the Microblog Timeline macro within a page.
Step-by-step instructions:
- Create a new page or edit an existing page.
- Click on the Insert more content button in the toolbar, then click on the Other macros button.
- Search for "Microblog Timeline" and click on the according tile.
- Now you will see the configuration of the macro. Configure the Microblog according to your requirements (the section below covers the timeline configuration).
- Click on the Insert button.
- Save the page.
Microblog Timeline macro configuration
You can customize the look, functions, and content of the Microblog. Configure the Microblog timeline macro to fit your needs.
What content should be displayed?
Global timeline
The global timeline shows all microposts from all spaces and of all topics.
Space timeline
The space timeline shows all microposts from a specific space you selected. Once you select this option, another option named Space will open.
Here, under the Space tab, you can select which space should be used as the default space for your timeline. To select a space, click on the arrow next to the space name. A drop-down menu will open. You can now select a space.
Topic timeline
The topic timeline shows all microposts of a specific topic. Once you select this option, another option named Topic will open.
Here, under the Topic tab, you can select which topic should be used as the default timeline topic. To select a topic, click on the arrow next to the topic name. A drop down menu will open. You can now select a topic.
Additionally, this topic will be the default setting when creating new microposts.
Should the sidebar be visible?
Activate the Show sidebar checkbox if you want to see a sidebar instead of a drop-down menu when choosing spaces and topics.
The Microblog Timeline macro is responsive. If there is not enough space available, the sidebar will disappear and the drop-down menu will be displayed again.
How many posts should be displayed in the timeline?
You can define how many Microblog threads should be displayed at once. This limit applies only to threads / parent-posts (and not replies). Once the limit is reached, a Show older microposts button will be displayed.
If you leave this field empty, the default value of 20 will be set automatically.
How many comments should be displayed under a post?
Define the number of displayed replies to each Microblog thread. The Microblog will always show the newest replies. Once the limit set here is reached, a Show X more replies button will be displayed.
If you leave this field empty, the default value of 3 will be set automatically.
Using the Microblog Timeline macro
Create your first Microblog post
The microblog editor is similar to the one used by Confluence for comments. Use it to share information and style your microposts.
Input your text, links etc. into the editor, choose a topic and click on the Post it button.
You can:
- Format text
- Insert links
- Insert images
- Use @ mentions to notify other users
- Use #hashtags
To view the full possibilities of the Microblog editor, please read the Microblog's documentation on this topic.
To edit your post, click on the button inside the editor, then click on Edit.
Now the editor will re-open. Type in your changes and click on the Post it button.
Edited posts will be marked as such. Click on the (edited) link to view the change history of a post.
Editing a micropost will not change the order of the timeline. The edited micropost will not rise to the top of the Microblog.
As a regular user, you can delete your own microposts.
To do this, click on the button when viewing a post, then click on the Remove button.
Please note that only the last post of a conversation can be deleted at any given time. The idea behind this rule is to prevent anyone from distorting the meaning of a post by changing its context.
If you want to remove a whole thread, you'll have to do so one post/comment at a time.