What is important?

You probably have a few questions about running a webinar together, perhaps about the technical setup or the webinar in general. As you prepare for the webinar, please review these frequently asked questions below - it's likely your questions have already been answered! If not, please don't hesitate to ask us.

Preparing for the webinar lets both you and us prevent problems so we can enjoy a trouble-free webinar together!

Our webinarsAll webinars at YouTube


Preparing properly is essential to achieve a trouble-free webinar. We have detailed a few tips, tricks and best practices below to help you prepare for and plan your webinar.

Be ready 15 minutes before the webinar starts so we have enough time to talk about the content and answer any questions you might have.

Ensure that your computer (or another supported device) is fully charged or - even better - plugged into power.

Close all application and browser tabs you won't need for the webinar and turn off all notifications on your Windows or Mac computer.
You should also mute your phones and close your windows so there is less noise.

Always keep the applications, images, slides or other media you may use during the webinar ready and easily accessible.

Try to choose a well lit and tidy spot. The more neutral and quieter your surroundings are, the more pleasant it will be for our guests attending the webinar.

If it is a longer webinar, detailed printed notes or an agenda can help give the webinar a good structure.



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This content was last updated on 01/25/2019.

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