Content objectives
- Getting to know each other
- Understanding the requirements and objectives for the entire project
- Gathering information about the customer’s corporate culture and style of working
- Understanding the customer's perspective on wikis and teamwork
- Explaining the basic functions of Confluence and how to use important plugins to extend functionality
- Discussing the customer's needs and analyzing their expectations of the system
- Verifying whether Confluence is suitable for the implementation of the planned use cases
- Discussing the most important plugins and which of these plugins are necessary
- Discussing the structure of the wiki and determining whether a structure workshop is needed
- Discussing background information on users and groups as well as the authorization concept
- Defining the project specifications and discussing the required services
- Commissioning a consultation quota
- Commissioning a structure workshop, including AD connection and SSO implementation if necessary
- Commissioning a Confluence Theme, including design workshop if necessary
- Commissioning useful plugins to extend all Confluence instances
- Commissioning the conception of individual plugins
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