Since July 2019 Linchpin Navigation Menus is a part of Linchpin Theme.

Linchpin Theme is a component of the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

You can see an overview of the basic functions of the Linchpin Navigation Menus here:

  1. Define the menu structure

  2. Add an entry to the main menu

  3. Set the submenu items

For additional Linchpin Navigation Menus functions, please refer to the documentation.

1) Define the menu structure

After a successful installation, go to Linchpin Navigation Menus in the Confluence Administration. There you can access "Menu Settings", "Menu Personalization" options and the "Menu Structure".

To create the main menu, click "Menu Structure".

2) Add an entry to the main menu

To add a item to the main menu, click on "+ Main Menu Item". It will be added to the bottom of the list.

Enter a title (e.g. Company) and the link to the page where you want the menu item to navigate to.

To add another main menu item, simply repeat this procedure.

The ID assigned to each menu item specifies where in the sequence of menu items it appears. 

Change the ordering

You can change the order of the menu items by simply clicking on the up or down arrows.

Tip: Click on the symbol with the two arrows and then drag and drop the individual menu items to quickly reorder them.

The navigation will look like this:

The first main menu item with the ID 1 (e.g. Company) is shown first in the menu, the second menu item with ID 2 (e.g. Employee) to the right of it.

3) Set the submenu items

You can create a submenu item by clicking on the "+" symbol next to a main menu item.

Existing main menu items can be converted to submenu items of the main menu item directly above by clicking on the right arrow "→" symbol.

You can move a submenu item back to the main menu by clicking on the left arrow "←" symbol.

Tip: This also works with drag and drop. Simply drag a main menu item directly over another and let go of the mouse button.

The navigation will look like this:

The first main menu item has ID 1 (e.g. Company) and is displayed first in the menu. The menu item with ID 1.1 (e.g. Employee) is shown under it as a submenu item.

For information about other Linchpin Navigation Menus functions please refer to the documentation.

Learn how to use categories, attributes for user restrictions, display options and more!

And here's how to install the Linchpin Navigation Menus, if you haven't already done so:

1. Log into your Confluence instance as an administrator.

2. Click the administrator dropdown and choose "Add-ons".

3. Click "Find new add-ons" in the left-hand panel.

4. Locate the Linchpin Navigation Menus by searching for it.

5. Click "Free trial" to begin a new trial or "Buy now" to purchase a license for the Linchpin Navigation Menus.

6. Enter your information and click "Generate license" when redirected to MyAtlassian.

7. Click "Apply license". After that, the Linchpin Navigation Menus will be installed in your Confluence instance automatically.

8. To find older Linchpin Navigation Menus versions that are compatible with your instance, you can look through our version history page.

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This content was last updated on 12/05/2019.

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