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Organization Development

Jan Saathoff is responsible for organization development at Seibert Media. He works closely with other entities and individuals from all areas of the company in order to further develop the organization in a targeted and meaningful manner. His main focus is on communication, scaling of corporate culture values, and coaching.

Jan Saathoff took the long way around to //SEIBERT/MEDIA and into the world of agile software development: after finishing his Master's degree in the fields of film studies, American studies, and philosophy, he began working as a translator and editor of video games. He then worked as a project manager at a clinic for pain therapy, providing organizational efforts in the fields of clinic management and training as well as product management and sales of nutritional supplements. After successful training as a business coach with emphasis on Transactional Analysis, systemic coaching, and IntrovisionCoaching he began working as a coach.


since 08/2021Organization Development at //SEIBERT/MEDIA
2017 - 21Scrum Master and Agile Coach at //SEIBERT/MEDIA
2014 - 2017Senior Project Manager, Vesalius GmbH, Konstanz (GER)
2011 - 2014Senior Project Manager, falcento AG, Kreuzlingen (CH)
2008 - 2011Project Manager, Meropharm AG, Kreuzlingen (CH)
2007 - 2008Translator and Editor, 4-real Intermedia GmbH, Offenbach (GER)


2012 - 2014Coaching Training, dehner academy Konstanz/Berlin (DBVC certified)

Master's degree; thesis published as "Die Traumfabrik und das Trauma – Das Hollywoodkino unter dem Einfluss des 11. September 2001"

1999 - 2007

University studies: film studies, American studies, philosophy, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (GER)

2003 - 2004University studies abroad (three terms): Georgia State University, Atlanta GA (USA)
1999Training as a paramedic




Name: Jan Saathoff
Position: Service Owner Organization Development
Employee since: 2017

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