- Created by Administrator, last modified by Seibert Media employee on Nov 29, 2022

Data Residency in Atlassian Cloud
Control over where your data is stored is a key requirement for companies of all sizes and industries
Data storage is one of the most important aspects to consider when it comes to evaluating a migration from a classic server to a cloud-based infrastructure. Organizations not only have to meet internal compliance requirements, but also have to observe industry-specific regulations and, of course, the EU regulations in the form of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Region of data storage
With respect to data storage for Atlassian cloud products Jira Software, Jira Service Management, and Confluence - administrators can specify a region to store application data.
A region is considered the geographic boundaries where the content is hosted. Thus, the organization can specify in which region the application data is stored (e.g., in the European Union).
Note: The Data Residency feature has been available for the Standard, Premium, and Enterprise plans since July 2021. The feature is not available in the Free plan.
Data management administration
In the administration area of Atlassian Cloud Instances, admins will find a special page titled Data Residency. There, the company's products are listed, the location for each product, and the corresponding AWS regions. When a product is pinned to a location, the application data is stored there.
By default, all application data is stored globally, which includes all AWS regions. This is where Atlassian determines where the data resides. To optimize product performance, there are no limits on moving data. If needed, Atlassian can move data between AWS regions.
If administrators want product data to stay in a specific region, and if Data Residency is available for that product, they can request that application data be moved to a specific location and pinned there.
What data can be pinned?
Jira Software | Jira Service Management | Confluence |
Why can't user data be pinned?
Account information data cannot be pinned. Atlassian stores user account information in a central identity service as well as in a few controlled replica services; and hosts them around the world to meet customer performance requirements. Information is stored this way to limit its digital footprint in the system. This means that this information is not stored in the products. Instead, representative IDs are stored that are used to pull data from identity services.
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This content was last updated on 11/29/2022.
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