On this page

Version 7.0

  • Finally, this app is compatible with Confluence 9.x.

    Please note: If you are on Confluence 9.0 or higher, you’ll need to use this app’s version 7.0 or higher.
    If you are still on Confluence 8.9.7 or lower, please stay on this app’s version 6.x, you can’t upgrade to 7.x.

    We will continue to provide important security patches and bug fixes for both versions.
    New features we will develop for Confluence 9 and up. If technically possible, we’ll also provide them for Confluence 8.x.

    Please find more details on this at https://linchpin-intranet.com/confluence-9/

Version 6.6.0

Usage tracking removal

  • We have removed the tracking of Linchpin usage.

Version 6.5.8

Compatibility / Security Release

  • Some tooltips weren't working anymore with Confluence 8.8 and higher. We made them work again.
  • We fixed a potential security issue. https://seibert.biz/20240417cvemb

Version 6.5.7


  • We ensured compatibility with Confluence 8.8.

Version 6.5.6


  • We fixed performance issues when using a Microblog timeline macro and draw.io diagram on the same page.

Version 6.5.5


  • It was possible to create duplicate topics in a space by moving topics from somewhere else, which could lead to further problems. This is no longer possible.

Version 6.5.4


  • In some cases, the Microblog Timeline macro did not work properly when combined with a People Search & List macro on one page. This has been fixed.

Version 6.5.3


  • We fixed an incompatibility with the app "JCreate" by Methoda that was caused by AtlasKit.

Version 6.5.2


  • We added improvements for keyboard navigation in Microblog settings.

Version 6.5.1


  • We improved screenreader compatibility in the Microblog editor.
  • We improved compatibility with bitvoodoo's app Navitabs.

Version 6.5


  • We improved image quality for uploaded images.
  • We changed the user interface to be gender neutral in the German version.


  • We added a missing image in email notifications back in.

Version 6.4.1


  • We improved keyboard navigation when sharing an event to the microblog.
  • We improved screen reader compatibility for profile pictures shown in the microblog timeline.
  • We improved screen reader compatibility for iframes embedded in posts, e. g. Youtube videos.


  • We hid an explaining text within the search field that only was meant to be available for screen readers and not actually visible.

Version 6.4.0 - Confluence 8 compatibility


  • We ensured that the Microblog is compatible with Confluence 8.

Version 6.3.2


  • We fixed a problem with missing microposts (introduced in version 6.3.0).

Version 6.3.1


  • We fixed a Sensitive Data Exposure vulnerability

Version 6.3.0


  • Added keyboard support for editing and deleting attachments.
  • Added screen reader compatibility for user profile links.
  • Added the ability to add an alt text for images.

Version 6.2.3


Version 6.2.2


  • Full scale images within the blogpost timeline will now be replaced by thumbnails. This should lead to less network traffic and better overall performance. Images can still be viewed in original size and quality by clicking on the picture.

Version 6.2.1


  • Fixed a problem with shared pages on the dashboard

Version 6.2.0

Microblogging for Confluence version 6.2.0 improves the accessibility of the Microblog.


  • Timeline and Microblog portal can be navigated by keyboard.
  • All navigable elements have alt-texts or descriptions.


  • Removed a CSS rule, that interfered with secondary Headlines.
  • Addressed an issue under Confluence 7.17, that prevented the upload of images on the dashboard.

Version 6.1.1


  • Added compatibility with Confluence 7.17

Are you missing a feature? Please have a look at our Canny board. Let's build a great product together! :) 

Version 6.1.0


  • The Microblog no longer supports the Internet Explorer as of version 6.1.0.

New features


  • We improved the Microblog's frontend performance.


  • We fixed a bug which caused attachments to be displayed as a list and links to be displayed as "share.content" attachments when a link was added to a post which already had attachments added to it.
  • For some time, the last editor/author was highlighted in the Microblog, instead of your own user. We fixed that and now your own user should be highlighted.
  • We fixed a small optical bug and added a border to the topic selection dropdown menu in the "Microblog Timeline" macro.

Are you missing a feature? Please have a look at our Canny board. Let's build a great product together! :) 

Version 6.0.11


  • We adjusted some backend caches to improve the performance.
  • We improved the handling of topic and space selections.


  • We introduced a more robust way to handle errors during the sending of a digest.

Are you missing a feature? Please have a look at our Canny board. Let's build a great product together! :) 

Version 6.0.10

We fixed bugs regarding the daily digest and a missing resource.

Version 6.0.9


  • We updated the app icon and logo.


  • We added a permission check to change the order of topics.

Version 6.0.8


  • New topics automatically created by the "Microblog Placeholder" macro are handled as if they were created manually now.

Version 6.0.7


  • We're happy to announce Confluence 7.12 compatibility.


  • We reduced the size of the web resources delivered by the Microblog. This fix might reduce loading times.


  • We improved the handling of shared pages and events in Microblog mails (e.g. notifications or the daily digest).
  • We fixed a display bug which affected the "space or topic" filter within the Microblog portal.

Version 6.0.6


  • We improved performance for the writable topic calculation on instances with (very) many spaces. This fix might reduce page loading times.


  • We fixed a bug which caused duplicate users to be displayed in the mention autocomplete.

Version 6.0.5


  • Fixed a bug with the "New posts" notification showing a large amount of new microposts for a brief moment while loading the timeline.

Version 6.0.4


  • Improved the "New posts" notification to optimize load behavior


  • We added an additional safeguard in two API endpoints where authenticated users were potentially able to circumvent a check for write permissions: micropost creation in spaces, and attachment upload in microposts.

We updated the "Linchpin Suite API" app to avoid problems with new versions of the "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app. Please refer to Microblog - Known issues for more details.

Version 6.0.3


  • We improved topic creation and added validation.
  • We fixed potential issue where JavaScript code could be stored and executed in another users context.

Version 6.0.2


  • We fixed templating side effects which could cause lots of exceptions being written to the application logs
  • We consider 0 to be a valid reply limit value in the timeline macro (i.e. display no replies by default)

Version 6.0.1


  • We fixed a problem with the timeline macro and preview
  • We consider the associated space of a timeline when filtering users in an extranet context.

Version 6.0

Easy to use, easy to integrate.

With the improved handling of attachments of all kinds, it is easier and more intuitive than ever to share attachments like images, video or files like PDFs and others with the Microblog from version 6.0 on.
In addition, it is now possible to share Linchpin events and Confluence pages directly in the microblog, thus generating more attention for the most important contents of the social intranet.


  • Content and attachments of microposts are displayed separately, which makes the usability and visibility of the content clear and simple
  • Image gallery for consistent appearance of images in the microblog (1-4+ Images)
  • Videos can be loaded as players via video URL
  • File attachments are attached to a micropost as a file list and can be easily downloaded
  • Multi-Upload of files is now possible via Drag&Drop and the upload buttons
  • A new and easier to use preview of images was implemented
  • Changing the Microblog Topic afterwards is now possible


  • Spaces with attachments and microblog replies can now be deleted without error message
  • Moving topics with attachments works without causing corrupt files

Version 5.3.2

The Daily Digest patch release


  • We fixed a Hibernate exception when building the digest.
  • We fixed an OracleDB issue with potentially exceeded parameter limits in queries to list all topics. 
  • We fixed a digest problem with certain combinations of subscribed topics and spaces.

Version 5.3.1


  • We have added a warning when leaving a page with an unsaved micropost.
  • We improved the timeline experience for anonymous users.



  • Spaces that contain microposts and replies can be removed again.
  • Default preview image can be shown again on instances with context path.


We've extended the anonymous app usage events. Please see Linchpin App Usage - Anonymous usage data for more information.

Version 5.3

The Microblog 5.3 comes with a revised, modern and more intuitive interface. 


  • We refurbished the Microblog design and gave it an up-to-date look. (only front-end changes)



  • Fixed a problem when searching for hashtags including uppercase letters (if you want this to work with existing microposts, please rebuild your search index)

Version 5.2.1



  • Fixed a problem that exceeded the parameter limit in a query listing all topics on large Confluence instances.
  • Fixed a cache problem that caused the topic list not to be updated when the order was changed.
  • Fixed an issue with attachment preview on pages with Microblog macro.

Version 5.2

It's now even easier to insert the last visited and any searchable Confluence pages as links in a micropost. Additionally, markups known from Confluence for formatting content and two headlines are now supported.



  • Improved link-tool included in the Microblog.
  • New: Define headlines in the microblog.
  • It is now possible to format microposts using the common Confluence markups.
  • Smaller improvement in handling with @-mentions in the microblog.



  • Read-only Content-ID field in the macro settings is now hidden.
  • A problem with the "last viewed pages" popover is solved.

Version 5.1.6



  • Improved @mention behavior for Lucene stop words.



  • Restored compatibility with Space Privacy (version 2.6.11) for user autocomplete.

Version 5.1.4



    • Fixed a bug that caused single subscribed topics to still be visible to users after the user lost view permissions to the topic's space. This did not affect the visibility of posts itself; only the topics.

Version 5.1.3



    • We added a "*" marker for the required topic field inside the editor.
    • Small adjustments in the display of the Microblog Sidebar were made.

Version 5.1.2

Internal Release

Version 5.1.1

We had to remove the release of MB version 5.1.1 due to unexpected problems with the bug fixes.

Version 5.1


New features

    • You can add local images via drag and drop now.
    • You can also add images by pasting an image URL.
    • Pasting web-images from the clipboard is possible now.
    • Add YouTube and Vimeo videos by pasting the url.



    • We improved the support for videos and images.
    • Small screen sizes received a better support.



    • We resolved a bug that caused attachments to break on edit (only affected Confluence < 6.15).
    • We resolved a bug that broke @-Mentions on edit.

Version 5.0.3

We fixed bugs with default topics and improved compatibility with Space Privacy.

Version 5.0.2

We significantly improved the compatibility with third party apps that are using keyboard shortcuts to trigger functionality.


Quality of Life improvements

    • Small layout and design improvements were implemented.
    • We added support for usernames with special characters.

Version 5.0.1

Internal release

Version 5.0

We introduced a brand-new custom Microblog editor!


New features & Quality of Life improvements

    • Reply to microposts and stay in place.
      Instead of jumping to the top of the page after replying to a post, stay right where you are with the new Microblog version.
    • Faster and easier to understand editor.
      The new Microblog editor was designed with "less is more" in mind. Writing a post should be as easy as possible. To minimize distractions while editing, only the functionality you actually need should be visible. Also, the tools need to be intuitive and easy to use. You will notice the added benefit of significantly reduced editor loading time (and thus snappier overall Microblog loading performance).
    • Multiple instances of the Microblog on one page.
      It is now possible to include multiple Microblog instances on the same page. Farewell, loading errors! Editing posts might still cause some problems, however.
    • Quickly insert and delete uploaded images and attachments.
      With the new upload window, you are now able to add and delete attachments and images right where you work. Deleting an image from the upload dialog will now remove the image from the selected topic / space as well. No more ghost media lingering around!

Bugfixes & Technical improvements

    • Performance
      We improved the loading time of the editor.
    • Compatibility
      We improved the compatibility with RefinedTheme and Bitvoodoo Enterprise Theme.
    • Comments
      Page comments, as well as inline comments, are now possible on Microblog-Pages (though not yet in Microblog content itself).
    • Security
      Potentially insecure endpoints of the native Confluence editor are now fixed.

Version 4.4

The Microblog now includes a sidebar. You can toggle between sidebar view and compact view (with a drop-down topic selection).


New features

    • We introduced the possibility to show a topic sidebar in the timeline macro view.
    • Deleting own posts is possible now, even if replies exist.



    • We adjusted responsiveness and optimized slim layouts.
    • We improved compatibility with RefinedTheme and Bitvoodoo Enterprise Theme.
    • Anonymous access to Microblog Timeline is possible now.
    • You can now play video files within the preview.


Version 4.4.1

Improvement release


Bugfixes & Improvements

    • Fixed compatibility issues with Confluence 6.6.
    • Adjust macro sidebar state when content width changes.


Version 4.4.2

Compatibility release



    • We're happy to announce Confluence 7 compatibility!

(warning) Please note, that this version does not contain any further fixes or features.

If you are not using Confluence 7, there is no need to update.

Version 4.3

We added a new file preview to the Microblog editor.


New features
    • The app uses its own preview to show images and files.

    • Fixed several issues with the Confluence preview in microposts.

Version 4.2

The Microblog is now compatible with the Data Center.


New features
    • The app is officially Confluence Data Center ready.



    • Loading performance of topics and microposts has been improved.



    • Display errors for slim layouts have been fixed.

    • Jumping behavior of the timeline on button click has been fixed.

Version 4.1

The Microblog includes a "Read Only" mode now.


Version 4.1.0

Bugfixes & Improvements

    • Compatibility with the read only mode in Confluence Data Center has been introduced.

    • Performance improvements for topic resources have been made.

    • Fixes for micropost action (edit / delete) permissions have been applied.

    • Fixed display errors while replying in Google Chrome.

Version 4.0

Complete revamp of the UI, introducing a Microblog portal page with lots of more features to come.

Version 4.0.5


    • Fixed a bug where Microblog was sometimes missing on the very first page load.
    • Fixed a bug where sometimes drop-down menus of the editor were in the background of the editor pane when using Internet Explorer.
    • Fixed a bug where the plugin deactivated itself when the Confluence Workbox Plugin was deactivated.

(warning) It might occur that an update deactivates the Linchpin Theme, simply re-enable it.


Version 4.0.4 / 4.0.3

These were internal releases, which had installation errors on some systems.


Version 4.0.2


    • Fixed problems with attachment preview.
    • Fixed the immediate notification setting.


Version 4.0.1


    • Fixed a bug with the macro not working when using Internet Explorer 11.

Version 3.4

We greatly improved stability and compatibility of the Microblog.

Known issues

  • Security violation in versions 3.4.9+. Please update immediately to 3.4.12.

  • Does not work with Linchpin Touch 1.5, will be compatible with Touch 1.6

Version 3.4.14

Compatibility release

    • Minor changes were made. so that the Microblog is compatible with Confluence 6.12.
    • We also added compatibility fixes for the Space Privacy app and Tree View app.


Version 3.4.13


    • We fixed issues on Confluence instances with context path.

Version 3.4.12

Important security bugfixes! Please update immediately from versions 3.4.9+.

    • Fixed a visibility violation in the daily digest.

This error exists since version 3.4.9.


Version 3.4.11


    • Replies loaded by clicking "show more replies" missed the unfold button, if they were higher than the height cap. We fixed that.

    • Animation delay of older posts was too long. It should be okay now.


Version 3.4.10

Bugfixes & Improvements

    • We improved the loading times of posts with better caching.

    • We increased the performance of the Microblog by loading only visible replies instead of all replies.

    • Better display animation of posts in timelines was included. Previously it caused a huge lag in every browser.

    • We restored the shortcut "e" to edit the page on pages with the Microblog macro.

    • Removed the banner to help us with user testing.


Version 3.4.9

This release had an error, which did not allow to edit pages that contained a Microblog macro properly. It is now safe to down- or upgrade manually to fix this issue.


Version 3.4.8

Performance release - We improved the loading time of the Microblog timeline!


Version 3.4.7


    • REST-Endpoints behave more clearly according to the convention now.

    • Buttons within the Microblog sidebar are no longer hidden when displaying a lot of topics.

    • We added a GDPR information within the administrator user test banner.


Version 3.4.6


    • You can now properly set restrictions on pages with a Microblog timeline.

Version 3.4.5

Feedback is now very welcome!

Give us feedback regarding the Microblogging Plugin by doing a user test.
You can find further information here: Microblog user test


Version 3.4.4


    • We improved performance of the search to speed up the Microblog timeline loading time.

    • We optimized the loading time of editor's javascript resources.

    • We added compatibility for the latest RefinedTheme version (6.0-beta).


Version 3.4.3

Update to allow readability for anonymous users again.



    • All posts are now visible to anonymous users again, if the permission restrictions in Confluence allow anonymous access to the spaces.

    • An occasionally appearing white space at the bottom of the timeline was removed.

    • The sidebar buttons should no longer float above the post when replying.

    • The ...-Menu at the bottom was moved to the head of a post and should no longer float under the text.


Version 3.4.2


    • Microblog works on dashboards with RefinedTheme again.

    • Sidebar buttons are compatible with Confluence 6.7 now.


Version 3.4.1

New features

    • You can now copy permalinks to Microblog posts.

    • Compatibility with the Space Privacy app was added, to restrict available users to the given topic space.



    • Microblog self service is now available for the Confluence Default template.



    • Problems with editor timeout in Confluence 6.6 were fixed.

    • A JavaScript error in auto complete, which appeared while choosing a non-existing topic or space, was fixed.

    • Image preview on dashboard and Microblog action does work again.

    • PDF preview for digest in replies does work again.

Looking for an alternative in the Cloud? 

Besides offering apps like Linchpin Intranet Suite, that is available for Atlassian Data Center, we also have apps for Confluence Cloud in our portfolio.

Like Mantra, the intranet for Confluence Cloud, developed by our joint-venture AppAnvil (known for hits like Aura & Karma).

Test the intranet for Confluence Cloud now for free: 

Discover Mantra

This page was last edited on 12/17/2024.