
Kanban Project Template

With the Agile Hive version 3.14.0 a project template for Kanban teams was made available.

This template is used to create a new Kanban team project as well as a Kanban and a Scrum Board. The team uses the Kanban board for their daily work. The Scrum Board, on the other hand, is not used by the team, but is used by Agile Hive in the background for mapping iterations.

But how do I proceed if I want to transform an existing Scrum Team into a Kanban team?

Manual configuration is required, but the Kanban project template can help to minimize the configuration which is explained step by step in this guide.

Can I also transform a Kanban into a Scrum Team?

This is of course also possible and described in this article.

(warning) Important information

The following article is essential, if you want to transform a project that has not yet been used in Agile Hive or has not been created with the Agile Hive project templates:

Use Existing Projects

Transform from Scrum to Kanban

Step 1 - Create a new Kanban Project

We start by creating a new Agile Hive Kanban project so that we can simply copy the pre-configured Kanban board. This saves a few configuration steps and time. After this is done you can either decide to keep this project as a template for future Kanban teams or you can simply delete it.

  1. Navigate to Projects → Create project and select the 'SAFe Kanban-Team Project' template.
  2. Click the buttons "Next", "Select" and enter a project name.
  3. Hit the "Submit" button.
  4. You will be redirected to the Kanban board of this newly created project.
  5. Done. Proceed to step 2.

Step 2 - Copy & configure the Kanban Board

  1. Click "Board" and then click "Copy".
  2. You will be redirected to the new copied board.

  1. Rename the board name for example to "Team Name - Kanban Board".
  2. Click on the name of the "Saved Filter" and select the currently used filter of the desired team from the dropdown.

  1. Navigate to "Columns" and drag & drop the status from your first column (To Do) into the "Kanban backlog" column.
  2. Next delete the empty To Do column by clicking on the bin icon.
  3. Done. Proceed to step 3.

Step 3 - Custom Epic Panel (optional)

This step is optional and explains how to set up the "Custom Epic Panel" to support drag & drop linking to parent issues (ART issues) in boards.

  1. Go to 'Administration → Manage Apps → Custom Epic Panel → Configuration' to configure the behavior of Epic Panels in selected Jira Boards.
  2. If a "Custom Epic Panel - Configuration" has already been created for the ART teams, you can simply edit it and add the newly created Kanban board.
  3. If no "Custom Epic Panel - Configuration" has been created for the ART teams yet, create a new rule now:
    • Click "Create new configuration" and fill out the form like in the following example:
      • Panel Name: Program
      • JQL: project = ARTKEY AND statusCategory != Done 
      • Boards: Add all boards of the teams that are working together in this ART
      • Link Type: Agile Hive Link
      • Link Direction: Inward
      • Backlog Name: Backlog
    • Click "Save".
  4. Done.

Transform from Kanban to Scrum

Ready for immediate use

Before transformation:

A Kanban team that is already using Agile Hive has two boards:

  1. A Kanban Board - The team uses the Kanban board for their daily work. 
  2. The Agile Hive SAFe Scrum Board - The Scrum Board, on the other hand, is not used by the team, but is used by Agile Hive in the background for mapping iterations.

After transformation:

In this case no configuration is necessary. Instead of the Kanban board, the team will use the Scrum Board for their work in the future. 

In comparison, the boards would be used as follows:

  1. A Kanban Board - The unused Kanban board can remain or be deleted - this has no effect on Agile Hive.
  2. The Agile Hive SAFe Scrum Board - The team uses the Scrum board for their daily work. 


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This content was last updated on 05/10/2023.

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