Event details

Viewing events should be as intuitive and informative as possible. While viewing an event, the event window will stay highlighted while the background fades out. This helps keep the focus on the event.

Viewing event details

Click on the event's image or title to enter the "event details" overview.

Events without a custom image receive a light gray header. Clicking on the light gray header also opens event details.

Event details

This focused overview informs you about the event's location, duration and participants. In some cases, an event page will be linked here. The overview also provides a short description of the event. You can sign up for an event here (or sign out if you are already signed up).

Mobile view

Did you know that you can keep track of events on the run? The "Event" macro is compatible with Linchpin Mobile!

All events in the Linchpin Mobile app are displayed in tile view! You have access to the most important event details (like title, date and place) and further details like cover image, description and even event pages. 

Please note

Currently, there is no way to sign up for an event via Linchpin Mobile.

A possible workaround: If you see an event you are interested in, click on the star icon to add this page to your favorites. When you have access to your computer, you can quickly find the event in your favorites and sign up for it.

(Warnung) Please note: For this macro to fully render in Linchpin Mobile, Linchpin Events version 2.0.1 or later is required.

This content was last updated on 12/17/2019.

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