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How to define the language of a space

Enter Space tools

To define the language of a whole space, navigate to the space of your choice.

Once inside the correct space, navigate to Space tools > Manage languages. You can find the space tools inside the left Confluence sidebar.

Set a space language

Now you can set a default language for the whole space. All newly created pages and blog posts will automatically receive the language of this space.

To set a default language for the whole space, select a language from the drop-down menu in the Space language section.

You can either type in the language or choose one from the list.

If already existing languages for pages and blog posts in this space should be overwritten, activate the checkboxes Languages of all pages and/or Languages of all blog posts.

This step is optional. If you don't activate the "overwrite checkboxes", only new pages and pages without a language in this space will take the space's language.

Click on the Save button. A window will open. Click on the OK button.


Why are the languages of my pages/blog posts marked with an asterisk and listed in cursive?

When you define a space language, all pages and blog posts which haven't had any language assigned to them yet receive the space language as their default language.

This space language acts like a "dummy value" and will be overwritten any time you set a new space language (even without the activation of the "overwrite checkboxes").

The languages will be fully written into the database once page links are established or individual languages are set on page/blog post level.

Advanced settings

There are two more settings available. Here, we explain what those checkboxes mean.

Languages of all pages

Activate this checkbox to overwrite all individual page language settings in this space.

If some pages in this space already have a defined language, this setting will still set a new language chosen here for those pages. The individual language setting will be deleted and the space language will be applied.

Activate this checkbox to overwrite all individual blog post language settings in this space.

If some blog posts in this space already have a defined language, this setting will still set a new language chosen here for those blog posts. The individual language setting will be deleted and the space language will be applied.


Please note that those settings can have some serious consequences for your Confluence system.

If you decide to overwrite all pages and/or blog posts, the Language Manager will analyze all available pages/blog posts in this space and try to change their language. If someone else performs this action at the same time and/or there are errors due to broken language links, this may have system breaking consequences.

Make sure that no one else is setting up languages when you are performing these actions. Just to be safe.

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Like Mantra, the intranet for Confluence Cloud, developed by our joint-venture AppAnvil (known for hits like Aura & Karma).

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This page was last edited on 06/04/2024.