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Please note :: For current Linchpin User Profile Fields versions higher than v2.21 use Profile field types overview instead.

How many field types exist?



Common configuration options

There are several options that apply to every field type. 


Field label

Enter the name of the profile field here.

This is the name your users see in their profiles.


Help text

If you enter any text here, it will appear as a help icon for all users who edit their profiles. Use this field to guide your users.

Only plain text is allowed here (no HTML etc.).


Select the correct category for your profile field. The correct category may be preselected already. Categories act as headings.

Field type

Select the correct field type. Many field types exist. They range from default text areas to date selects or imported LDAP data.

Depending on the field type, users will be able to enter different information into the profile field. In some cases, like with the field type "dependent field", the field value is fix and can not be changed by users.

In profile

Select the Show radio button to display the profile field in the user's profile. 

Select the Hide radio button to hide the profile field in the user's profile.


In vCard REMOVED IN 2.22

Select the Show radio button to display the profile field in the vCard macro.

Select the Hide radio button to hide the profile field in the vCard macro.

This applies only to the vCard in "information mode".


Activate the Required checkbox to make a profile field mandatory. This can be useful when the personalization depends on this field or the field is important in some other way.

Required profile fields will be shown inside the Profile Completion Assistant (2.21 and older), if you choose to activate it.

LDAP attribute

If you synchronize your data with an LDAP resource, you can add the respective LDAP attribute name to every LUP profile field type.

If the user exists in the user directory, the LDAP attribute will determine the profile value and the user can not edit this value within Confluence.

If the user does not exist in the user directory (or the LDAP attribute field is empty), the profile field can be edited from within Confluence.

If the user does exist, but the LDAP attribute is incorrect, the profile field will be blank and can not be edited from within Confluence.

Please note: This feature only works after the LDAP sync has run. It happens automatically every 3 hours.

To trigger it manually, navigate to Confluence administration → Scheduled Jobs → Bulk profile update (LDAP sync).

XML node name

If you set up an XML field, add the XML node name which should be retrieved for each profile update.

Releated topic: XML import (LUP 2.17)

 Please note: When "XML file" is activated as a source, a user can not edit this field by themselves, if the xml file contains a value for the user in this field.


Text input

Gives users the option to enter a single line of text.

The text input field type is perfect in regard of personal information like hobbies or favorite food or work related information like special skills.

Users can also enter links to websites. Those links become clickable.

Special configuration


Check the Activate linking checkbox to enable this option.

Linking transforms a normal text field into a link. The entered URL will be shown in every user's profile. Links can not be edited by users.

To hide the link's URL, enter a cover name for the link in the link label field.

Static link

Static links are regular links (for example: to a fix web address.

Dynamic link

Links can also be dynamic. Dynamic, in this context, means that the content of the link changes, depending on the user.

You can create dynamic links with help of profile field placeholders. Every profile field has a key (for example: {confluence.position}). If this key is used as a placeholder inside a link, it will always change to the content which can be found in this field.


Let's say every position that can be found in your company has its own page in the "Positions" space. On those pages, users can find out more about their colleagues and their jobs.

Let's create a new text field with activated linking. The name of the text field is "Find out more about my role".

The link will look like this:{confluence.position}

Now, every time you click this link in a different profile, you will be linked to different pages, because the users' positions vary.

If you click this link inside a profile of a controller, the link will become

If you click this link inside a profile of a CEO, the link will become

Multiline text

Allows users to enter text. Users can also use line breaks and create lists. It's just a bigger text field which is not limited to a single line. It's a great field type for a short user introduction.

The multiline text also allows users to enter links. Those links will become clickable.


The select field allows users to pick a single value out of a drop down menu.

Special configuration

In the section Configure "Select" you can add options to the dropdown menu.

Click on the Add option button. Two fields will appear.

In the left field, enter the name of the option (for example: "Yes, I agree to be photographed.").

In the right field, enter the position of the option inside the menu. The very top position always has the value 0. Every following number is placed below the number before it. If all entries have the same value, the creation order is used.

Multi select

The multi select field type works similar to the select field type.

Users can choose from different options, but are not limited to only one choice.

It's a perfect field type for questions about any amount of specific things. For example: What languages do you speak? What software can you use?

Special configuration

In the section Configure "Multi select" you can add options to the dropdown menu.

Click on the Add option button. Two fields will appear.

In the left field, enter the name of the option (for example: "English", "French" etc.).

In the right field, enter the position of the option inside the menu. The very top position always has the value 0. Every following number is placed below the number before it. If all entries have the same value, the creation order is used.

Cascade select

This field type gives the chance to display hierarchical structures.

Imagine having multiple products which belong to multiple categories. And every manager has their own responsibilities to a certain amount of products.

With this field type, everyone could check the correct boxes and show what products they manage. It's a good field type to display responsibilities.

Special configuration

This field type works only with CSV files.

First of all, you have to create a CSV file which contains all relevant data 

Follow these set of rules rules:

  • the first line defines the header names of your CSV datasets
  • each distinct hierarchy level has to be defined as bundled pair of identifier (ID) + name (label)
  • each hierarchy level has it's own identifier (IDs) which has to be unique for the defined name (label) 
  • the depth of the hierarchy is represented by the amount of those ID/label pairs within a CSV line
  • the amount of lines represents the amount of elements for each distinct hierarchy level

Your are free to use arbitrary names for the header names as well as for your identifier (ID) + name (label).

However, you have to keep a consistence structure within your chosen hierarchy. Also, your CSV files needs to use the .csv file extension.

Here's an example CSV hierarchy of how a user profile field 'Expertise' could look like …

ID_Category,  Category,                 ID_Group,  Group,                     ID_Item,  Item
1,            Business Administration,  1,         Accounting & finance       
1,            Business Administration,  2,         Corporate responsibility
1,            Business Administration,  3,         Resources management
2,            Information Technology,   4,         Adobe Photoshop
2,            Information Technology,   5,         HTML & CSS
2,            Information Technology,   6,         Javascript,                1,        React
2,            Information Technology,   6,         Javascript,                2,        Vue.js

Download this file here: cascade_selection_example.csv

Then, inside the Configure "Cascade select" section, enter the absolute path to the file (.csv format) on your Confluence server.

Click on the Save button.

Re-enter the edit menu of your profile field, then click on Import.

The file will be uploaded and validated when you save the configuration, that's why the import works only after saving.


What happens, if an user chose a select box stemming from a cascade select import within his Linchpin user profile,
and a new version of the cascade select hierarchy gets imported missing the previously available and used select box?

All choices by users, which are not available with the current version of the imported hierarchy, won't be displayed anymore.

However, the original user choice is still saved and gets restored, once a new cascade select hierarchy has been imported which provides such check boxes again.

Date input

Allows users to select a date. 

Perfect to use as a "birthday" field or "in team since" field.

User select

Allows users to select and link one single other Confluence user.

This field has an autocomplete function. Type in the name and select the correct user from the dropdown menu.

Perfect to display a superior or a product owner inside a Scrum team. Or just a best buddy, if you feel like it.

Phone number (input validation)

Allows users to enter a phone number.

This phone number field has a built-in input validation. The app will automatically verify if the entered number is correct and give a warning if it's not.

Users can also start a call thanks to this field. This profile field uses the "tel:" protocol and makes numbers clickable (in all LUP related macros, too!).

Please note: If the phone number (input validation) field is being filled by anything other than user input (for example via LDAP sync), the number will be saved exactly as it arrives from the source. Nothing will be changed, no validation will happen.

The phone number field with input validation is available since Linchpin User Profiles version 2.20.

The previously used field "Phone number without input validation" is deprecated. It still works in version 2.20, but will be eliminated in version 2.22. If you haven't changed anything by then, we will migrate the field contents automatically to the new field type.

In some cases you might not want that to happen. For example: Your users don't enter their complete phone numbers but only their extension numbers into this field. The new phone number field would mark these numbers as invalid. In that case, change the field type to a simple text field to avoid the automatic migration.

Instant Messenger

Allows users to link their instant messenger account. Users will also be able to start a 1 on 1 chat right away if the instant messenger link is clicked.

Special configuration

First, choose the instant messenger protocol. Currently, we support XMPP and Skype for Business.

Next, enter the host/server of your choice (for example: Enter only the address, the @-sign will be added automatically.

If you do enter the host address, the user only needs to enter their username. If you decide to leave this field empty, the user will have to enter the full address (for example:

You can hide the user's input. To do so, enter the link text. Whatever you enter here will be displayed instead of the user's instant messenger username. You could for example enter "Chat with me" or "Message me" here.


If you have selected Skype for Business as the protocol, you can also activate the Show status checkbox.

In this case, also enter the Skype for Business host/server name here.

Make sure to read our guide on Skype for Business integration to learn how to configure this profile field correctly.

Please note that the status icon only works with Skype for Business.

Language select

Allows users to select a language from a complete list of all languages. Users can also select more than one language.

Use this field type to allow users to display which languages they speak.

Please note that this field doesn't change language-related settings. This field only informs others what languages the users speak.

Country select

Allows users to select a country from a complete list of all countries. Users can also select more than one country.

Please note that this field doesn't change language-related settings. This field is purely used for information purposes.

Retrieved from LDAP

Always retrieves the profile information from your LDAP resource.

Users will never be able to edit this profile field, even if the user can't be found in the LDAP resource.


The LDAP connection is strictly "read-only". Never will any data be written back to your LDAP resource.

Special configuration

In the Data source section, enter the name of the LDAP attribute where the profile information is stored.

The value of this profile field will be retrieved from this LDAP attribute for each profile update.

Field type vs. LDAP attribute

If you want your LDAP resource to deliver profile information, you have two options that affect the possibility to edit fields.


Option 1: Define any field type like text field or select field and add an additional LDAP attribute.

If you select any other field type and still select LDAP server as data source, the information will be retrieved from your LDAP resource.

But if the user can't be found in the LDAP resource, the user will be able to edit the field by themselves.


Option 2: Define your field as "Retrieved from LDAP"

This option retrieves the data only from your LDAP resource.

Users will never be able to edit this profile field, even if the user can't be found in the LDAP resource.


Related topic: CUP - Alternative LDAP connection

Dependent field

Converts any profile field (for example an alphanumeric code) to any output (for example readable text).

This field type is not editable for users.

A dependent field can not depend on a cascade select or another dependent field.

Special configuration

Navigate to the Field options section.

First, select an existing field which your new field will depend on.

Then, click on the Add dependency button. Two input fields will appear.

In the left field, enter the value of the dependee (the existing field).

In the right field, enter the value of the dependent (the new field you are creating).


Optional: Add more dependencies and follow the steps above.

Special fields

Full name

You can decide how the users' full names are being displayed.


Navigate to Confluence administration → Linchpin User Profiles → Profile Editor → Special fields.

In the text field, enter the profile field keys which should form the full name. Use any of your previously created user profile fields.

For example: {cup.academictitle-1} {cup.firstname-2} {cup.lastname-3} will result in Dr. John Doe.

For this feature to work, you have to configure your LDAP permissions.


Navigate to Confluence administration → Users & Security → User Directories.

Set your LDAP permissions to Read/Write.

Important: Linchpin User Profiles will never write anything back into your LDAP resource. This setting is only needed for the feature to work. The data is used in a "read-only" mode.

Profile picture sources - URL, LDAP or Confluence

Profile pictures are a special kind of a profile field. They can be taken from three sources: URL, LDAP or direct upload to Confluence.

For a detailed guide on configuration and general information, please see the documentation on profile pictures.



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This page was last edited on 06/05/2024.