Test Linchpin for free

Experience Linchpin in your own instance for 30 days at no charge.

Use your testing instance to thoroughly evaluate and test all of the features and Linchpin apps, configure your instance to suit your needs and see how powerful and customizable our Linchpin social intranet is.

Create your own Linchpin testing instance

Please note that by creating a free Linchpin testing instance, you agree to have read and agreed to the privacy policy and objection possibilities.

Need help? Perhaps you are ready to purchase a license for the Linchpin Suite? No matter your inquiry, simply choose a free date in our calendar to talk to us. We're happy to help!

I created a testing instance - what now?

Once your instance is ready, step through the Linchpin DIY guide to fully configure your own Linchpin prototype. Use your testing instance to demonstrate Linchpin to your intranet working group or management without the need to purchase licenses. 


SWIFT allows you to fully access and test Linchpin and other Atlassian software products, free for 30 days. Enjoy the following features:

  • Full administrative privileges
  • No forced updates
  • German privacy standards
How does SWIFT work?

SWIFT will automatically install and pre-configure Linchpin on the server - you don't have to worry about doing it yourself. All you have to do is sign up, sit back and relax. After a few minutes, everything will be ready to use.

  1. Sign up using the form above
  2. Your software will be setup automatically on German servers
  3. After a few minutes you will receive your login data by email, and you're ready to evaluate Linchpin for up to 30 days.
Want to reboot your Linchpin instance?

Have you made configuration changes that you want to undo? You can reboot your Linchpin instance and start configuring again with a clean slate. 

  1. Log in to your SWIFT account here, and click on Instances.
  2. Click on the ... menu to the right of your Linchpin instance, then click on reboot.

Your instance will be reset back to the initial configuration. 

Step 1

Wait for your login details

After you entered the details for your testing instance, two things will happen:

a) You will receive an email with a link to your testing instance.

b) You will be also redirected to SWIFT (link included in the e-mail) where you need to accept the terms of use to receive your password.

Step 2

Log in

After receiving your password, navigate to your testing instance and log in with the username "admin" and your password. Please also accept the terms of use for SWIFT to gain access to your Linchpin.

(warning) Be aware: The username for your testing instance is always admin.

Step 3

You're in!

Now you can take a look at all of the features and customize Linchpin to match your needs. We recommend that you step through our Linchpin DIY guide to get the best overall picture of what Linchpin can do.

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This content was last updated on 02/14/2023.

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