Project completed in 2011 |


The client

The Beilstein Institute for the Advancement of Chemical Sciences was founded in 1951 as a non-profit organization by the Max Planck Society. It promotes communication and information dissemination in the field of chemistry and physics. Under the umbrella of "Beilstein Open Science", various publications are freely accessible. This also includes the Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry.

The assignment

Concept and design of an online portal to provide videos covering scientific topics.

The solution

As a user visits this page for specialised content, the design is clear, lean, and does not distract readers from the content. The latest videos are displayed on the home page. Users can search for contributions according to specific interests or by clicking on subject area keywords to filter results. Detailed information is offered on the video pages including a textual description, sources, channels for sharing, as well as an option for downloading the video.

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