- Created by Uta Opitz, last modified by Seibert Media employee on May 19, 2019
Deutsche Version: Hier klicken
Area of Expertise
Paul Herwarth von Bittenfeld has been with //SEIBERT/MEDIA since 2003 and has worked with a number of different software development teams in various roles. He was a project manager and then the product owner of our pilot Scrum project. From there on he helped to introduce agile practices throughout the company as a Scrum Master and internal Agile Coach. He has been a coach for the introduction of Scrum and Kanban in several teams, as well as the introduction of agile methods and procedures at an enterprise level, both at //SEIBERT/MEDIA and as an agile coach in customer projects.
From 2012 on he was focused on the product development of our social intranet suite Linchpin, and the implementation of Linchpin in various large companies in Germany and worldwide. In 2018 he shifted his focus on building a new business unit for the implementation of Google technology (Google G Suite and Google Cloud Platform).
Selection of clients
- Agilent Technologies Deutschland GmbH
- AllSecur
- B. Braun Melsungen AG
- DER Touristik GmbH
- Eberspächer Climate Control Systems GmbH & Co. KG
- Etos GmbH
- Gartentechnik.com GmbH
- GlossyBox
- JUVE Verlag für juristische Informationen
- FormMed Healthcare
- naturkostaktiv GmbH
- new-in-town GmbH
- Phoenix Testlab GmbH
- Rhön-Klinikum Aktiengesellschaft
- Scholz & Volkmer
- TwentyFeet GmbH
- Agile Coach, ScrumMaster and Product Owner
- More than 10 years of experience in the product management of internet applications
- Head of subsidiaries at //SEIBERT/MEDIA GmbH
- CEO at TwentyFeet GmbH
- CEO at Gartentechnik.communications GmbH
- CEO at new-in-town GmbH
- General Manager at naturkostaktiv GmbH
- Founded the business division with the focus "social intranet and collaboration in companies" with the social intranet suite LINCHPIN.
- Lecturer of Lean Startup and Technology & Innovation Management at Hochschule RheinMain.
- Co-Founder of STATION - Startup & Innovation in FrankfurtRheinMain.
- Founded the business division with the focus on Google technology.
Paul Herwarth von Bittenfeld studied economics with a focus on statistics and econometrics at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. After successfully completing his economics degree, he completed a master of arts (M.A.) in Economy and Management with a focus on Total Quality Management at the Technische Universität Kaiserslautern).
- Certified Scrum Professional - Scrum Alliance
- Certified Scrum Product Owner - Scrum Alliance
- Member of Scrum Alliance
- Host of Agile Usergroup Rhein-Main
- Organizer of Lean Startup Circle Rhein-Main
- Founder and organizer of the conference Tools4AgileTeams
Title | Event |
Scrum & Kanban im Agenturgeschäft | Scrum User Group Rhein-Main, Wiesbaden / Andrena Objektforum, Frankfurt / OOP 2013, München |
"Och, nicht schon wieder ...!" - Über das Leiden der Entwickler bei Aufwandschätzungen | |
Der Einfluss der Einführung von Agilität auf die Werte und Kultur im Unternehmen | SPIN, Darmstadt |
Vom agilen Team zur agilen Organisation | Agile World 2013, München / Praxisseminar Feelgood-Management, Wiesbaden / Agile Usergroup Rhein-Main, Frankfurt / XP Days Germany 2014, Hamburg |
Why you should care about being a Lean Startup | FH Fulda, Fulda / Lean Startup Circle Rhein-Main, Wiesbaden |
Einführung in Lean Startup | Startup-Weekend Mainz, Mainz / Universität Frankfurt |
Social Media zur User-Gewinnung und User-Betreuung | Social Media Club, Mannheim |
Published Blog Posts (in German)
- "Warum StartUps auf agile Methoden setzen sollten" bei Gründerszene
- "Wie ein internes Twitter die Projektkommunikation verbessert" bei Gründerszene
- "Projektmanagement: Die Auswirkung von Unsicherheit auf die Wahl eines Vorgehensmodells" im //SEIBERT/MEDIA Blog
- "Das Review-Meeting in Scrum: Das haben wir geschafft!" im //SEIBERT/MEDIA Blog
- "Was kennzeichnet ein gutes Product Backlog?" bei Produktmanager-Internet.de
- "Ist das Daily Standup für Teammitglieder zwingend?" bei Produktmanager-Internet.de
- "Wie Start-ups Nutzer zu aktivem Feedback motivieren können" bei deutsche-startups
- "Wie sich die Nutzerloyalität für Start-ups leicht ermitteln lässt" bei deutsche-startups.de
Name: Paul Herwarth von Bittenfeld
Position: Partner
Employee since: 2003
Social Media: Xing, Twitter, Facebook, deutscher Blog, englischer Blog, LinkedIn, Google+
- No labels
This content was last updated on 05/19/2019.
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